The big three leaders who held meetings near the end of WW11 to plan for the post-war world are from what three groups?
What is Great Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union
Which three areas suffered the greatest losses in WW11?
What is USSR, Poland, and Germany
The US-Soviet tensions at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam mad conflict likely, but something prevented fighting from breaking out. What was it?
What is the cost of war
What idea was beginning to spread during the breakdown of empires?
What is the idea that each country should choose its own form government
President Dwight Eisenhower expressed concerns about a nuclear arms race, and the growth of what complex?
What is the Military-Industrial Complex
In what conference did the Allies agree that it would be best for the USSR to focus on freeing Eastern Europe and fir Britain and the US to focus on freeing Western Europe?
What is The Tehran Meeting
which two places were able to continue during the shifting balance of power times because of their beliefs and traditions in democracy?
What is Britain and France
Conflict without direct military confrontation, but using propaganda, secret operations, and an arms race is known as
What is a cold war
Like the end of WW1, the end of WW11 brought calls for what?
what is decolonization and allowing self-determination in the world's colonies
During which conference did FDR push for free elections and asked the USSR to join the war against Japan?
What is The Valta Conference
Which area suffered the least, as WW11 did not affect its infrastructure or capacity to produce
What is the US
instead of opposing each other, which two groups supported opposing sides in various civil wars and regional conflicts around the world?
What is the US and USSR
WW11 weakened which two areas so they had fewer resources to resist the fight for independence in their colonies?
What are Britain and France
During which conference did Harry Truman replace the deceased FDR and Clement Atlee replace the defeated Winston Churchhill?
What is The Potsdam Conference
This prosperity plan allowed the US to provide financial aid to Europe after the war through the...?
What is the Marshall Plan
The development of which object elevated tensions dramatically?
What is the hydrogen bomb
Who did the US and USSR began to support in their fights for independence?
What are the colonies
Stalin demanded influence over what area as a buffer against another hitler?
What is Eastern Europe
Which group successfully tested an atomic bomb of their own in 1949?
What is The USSR
Many countries around the world showed concern for the growth of what object?
What are nuclear weapons