Great Depression
Role of Women
Mental Illness
Genre and The title of the novella

Why is owing land so importanat and necessary for the American Dream to exist?

Owing land meant that you have an asset not a liability and you also have the choice to work for yourself and be free and not be  chained to a boss.


What were women expected to do during this time period?

Take care of women and children.


What is the definition of mental illness?

Mental illness, also referred to as mental health disorder or psychiatric disorder, encompasses a wide range of conditions that affect an individual's thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall mental well-being.


What does taking the jobs of "white men" mean? in the context of the novella?

It means that African Americans, Mexicans and Filipinos were accused of taking the blue collar work of American Citizens.


What was the original title of the novella?

he original title for the novella was "Something Happened".


True or False: The Great Depression was the lease economic collapse in the history of the modern world.



Women who did find jobs eventually what kind of jobs did they do. 

Clerical or factory jobs.


How does societal stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental illness contribute to the challenges individuals face in seeking and receiving appropriate mental health care?

Societal stigma and misconceptions about mental illness can create barriers to seeking help, as individuals may fear judgment or discrimination.


What do you understand b?y the term " Dirty work"

"dirty work" is used to describe the challenging or undesirable tasks that some characters, particularly those who are marginalized or disadvantaged, are forced to undertake. The concept of "dirty work" reflects the harsh realities of life during the Great Depression, where individuals often had to take on difficult and low-status jobs simply to survive.


Is the title of mice and men appealing explain briefly

The title "Of Mice and Men" is appealing  because it is immediately captures the reader's attention. The use of animals in the title, particularly mice, suggests fragility and vulnerability, setting a tone for the themes of the novella. The juxtaposition of mice and men also hints at the complex and interdependent relationships between characters, highlighting the contrasts in strength, power, and vulnerability.


What triggered the start of the Great Depression?

In October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression.


How has the role of women changed through the years?

Student answer


In what ways does the portrayal of mental illness in popular media and cultural narratives influence public perceptions, and how might these perceptions impact the experiences of individuals living with mental health disorders in society?

Media portrayals often perpetuate stereotypes and misinformation about mental illness, contributing to the stigmatization of affected individuals. This can hinder understanding and empathy, potentially isolating those with mental health disorders and affecting their self-esteem and quality of life.


The student will need to talk about the white family nuclear in the vehicle and the African-Americans that are waiting in line for aid. Student needs to also mention that this is propaganda. The patriotism of the phrase " There's no way like the American way"


Why do you think Mental illness is something that Steinbeck used in his novella "Of Mice and Men'?

To explore and highlight the challenges faced by individuals during the Great Depression. The novella is set against the backdrop of the 1930s, a time marked by economic hardship and social upheaval. Mental illness was poorly understood and stigmatized during this period, and individuals struggling with such conditions faced discrimination and marginalization.