True or False
The Roman Empire
When a man loves a woman
If the shoe fits
Surprise me

When Saul was with the Spirit Medium, he actually spoke to the real Samuel

What is False?


The Roman Empire was the sixth of seven empires that dominated the world. It succeeded this one

What is the Grecian World power


Adam evidently loved this woman more than he loved God. This resulted in him sinning against all women in history

Who is Eve?


This man's name meant senseless, stupid. If his name was a shoe, it would've fit well.

Who is Nabal


Unscrabble this word: spalms

What is Psalms


Isaiah had children

What is true


In 2 B.C.E., when Jesus was born, this person was Emperor of the Roman Empire. A month was named after him

Who is Caeser Augustus


The Bible described this man as falling in love with his wife. His wife was hard working, smart, respectful, and God fearing. What isnt to love?

Who is Isaac?


The footwear of the ancient Bible world was this. We still wear them today, though we have more options now.

What are sandals?


This man said in one of our dramas: "If I am a worm, i am a smart worm." Not the best comeback

Who is King Padi?


Jesus is wisdom personified

What is true (Jesus is described as the wisdom of God at 1 Cor. 1:21)


The first time Rome is specifically mentioned in the Bible on this date. It is well documented in Acts.

What is pentecost 33 C.E.


The Bible describes this man as "falling in love" with his half sister, Tamar. However, this love what not a good one. It led him to humiliating her which ended up in his death. Lesson: Not all love is good. Guard your heart

Who is Ammon


When a man refused to marry his dead brother's wife, she would spit in his face and do this, bringing more reproach on him. (If you were a man in Bible times, let's hope that your brother doesnt marry a terrible woman and then dies unexpectedly)

What is remove the sandals off his feet?


Draw a scene from the book of Judges and have your teammates guess



In a vision, three apostles were privledged to see Jesus with Moses and Elisha

What is false? (It was Elijah


It was this date when the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, about 3 years before he arrived in Rome as a prisoner

What is 56 C.E.


This woman was so beautiful that she caught the attention of a wise King who offered to take her as his wife. However, she refused, for her heart was for another man.

Who is the Shulamite girl


John the Baptist said that he wasn't worthy to untie the sandals of the Messiah. The job of doing this was for these.

Who are slaves


Sing for us the Chorus of song 56



Jesus was a direct descendent of Noah, Abraham, David, and Zerubbael

What is true?


The Roman Empire would experience decline and fall. The next world empire would be this one

What is Anglo-America


This man wrote to Christian husbands: "Continue loving your wives."

Who is Paul? (Eph. 5:25)


After striking Jeremiah and putting him in stocks, Jeremiah changed this priest name to Terror all around. Like a good fitting shoe, it fit him well when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E.

Who is Passhur


draw a scene from the book of 1 Samuel and have your teamates guess
