Figurative Language
Ms. Nesbit

What is a sidekick?

The archetype that is the trusty friend, usually is funny. 


Identify the following:

The song note hung in the air, tickling the ears of all those in the room. 



What is a theme?

The lesson/takeaway from the story.


What are the two reasons we will see an apostrophe?

Contractions (cannot...can't)



What is Ms. Nesbit's first name?



What is the damsel in distress? Define and provide an example of one. 

A female who needs help, Rapunzel. 


Identify the following and explain its meaning: 

A story is like a river. You can wade into the flow at any point and emerge at another point. Who is to say which drop of the water is the first, or the last?

Simile. A story flows continuously, maybe it doesn't have a true ending. You can go into the river/story when one thing is happening and leave with new knowledge. 


What is a claim and where should it go in your writing?

The main argument/point/answer and it should go at the beginning. 

When something belongs to multiple nouns, a group, where does the apostrophe go?

After the S.


Where can Ms. Nesbit most likely be found when she is not at work?

At home in her PJs. 

Read the following and identify the TWO archetypes. Explain how you know. 

As an infant, Harry Potter’s parents were killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort. Even though Voldemort used a killing curse, Harry survived the attack. He was the only person to ever survive this kind of attack. When he was 11, he began attending a magical school called Hogwarts where he learned about the magical world. Although Harry had magical abilities, they didn’t make up for his stubborn and impulsive streak, which sometimes led Harry to run into dangerous situations recklessly. Of course, each dangerous situation was usually part of his destiny: to defeat Voldemort.  

Hero, Villain.

Voldemort is referred to as evil. 

Harry has a unique birth...his parents were killed and he survived a killing curse. Also, he had magical powers. His personal flaw was his stubbornness. 


The following sentence has two types of figurative language. Identify both. 

The trees bowed down their branches and showered them with sweet fruit. 

Personification and Alliteration


Daedalus fell to work on a pair of wings for the boy Icarus, and taught him carefully how to use them, bidding him beware of rash adventures among the stars. 

Based on the sentence, what could rash mean?

a. wildly

b. dangerous

c. impulsive

d. childish

c. impulsive (when you do something without thinking through the consequences)


Identify the word with the apostrophe and determine whether it is correctly used. If not, fix the mistake.

I feel so bad because when I was out walking, I did not see the dog run up to me and I accidentally stepped on it's paw. 

Mistake. Should be its. "It's" is a contraction for it is. 


What is Ms. Nesbit's favorite color?



“What’s going on?” says Effie, a note of hysteria in her voice. “Did you fall?”

“After she shoved me,” says Peeta as Effie and Cinna help him up.

Haymitch turns on me. “Shoved him?”

“This was your idea, wasn’t it? Turning me into some kind of fool in front of the entire country?” I answer.

“It was my idea,” says Peeta, wincing as he pulls spikes of pottery from his palms. “Haymitch just helped me with it.”

“Yes, Haymitch is very helpful. To you!” I say.

“You are a fool,” Haymitch says in disgust. “Do you think he hurt you? That boy just gave you something you could never achieve on your own.”

“He made me look weak!” I say.

“He made you look desirable! And let’s face it, you can use all the help you can get in that department. You were about as romantic as dirt until he said he wanted you. Now they all do. You’re all they’re talking about. The star-crossed lovers from District Twelve!” says Haymitch.

“But we’re not star-crossed lovers!” I say.

Haymitch grabs my shoulders and pins me against the wall. “Who cares? It’s all a big show. It’s all how you’re perceived. The most I could say about you after your interview was that you were nice enough, although that in itself was a small miracle. Now I can say you’re a heartbreaker. Oh, oh, oh, how the boys back home fall longingly at your feet. Which do you think will get you more sponsors?”

The smell of wine on his breath makes me sick. I shove his hands off my shoulders and step away, trying to clear my head. Cinna comes over and puts his arm around me. “He’s right,,Katniss.” 

Which two archetypes are shown above?

Hero & Mentor


He fell in love with her eyes first. They were diamonds so blue, he felt like he lost himself. 



The male peacock, spreading out its incredibly bright and colorful plumage, was quite conspicuous. 

Based on the sentence, what could conspicuous mean?

a. arrogant

b. noticeable

c. angry

d. excited

b. noticeable


Identify the word with the apostrophe and determine whether it is correctly used. If not, fix the mistake. 

On the first day of school, the Kindergarten teacher lined the kid's backpacks up along the wall. 

Kids'. Multiple backpacks and kids. 


Which of the following has Ms. Nesbit been called by students before?

a. Ms. Pelona

b. Caillou

c. Kim Jon Un

d. All of the above

d. All of the above