Perhaps the most hated of the gods
Who is Ares
Sister of Zeus along with Hestia and Hera
Who is Demeter
Asked for Odin’s eye as payment for wisdom
Who is Mimir
Kvasir was created out of this after the Aesir-Vanir war
What is spit
Owns an adult sized elf costume
Who is Trent
Hermes did this on the day of his birh
What is steal Apollo’s cattle
Archetypal pattern of extremes and ambition
Who is Poseidon
The imperfection in Mjolnir
What is the handle is too short
Loki’s punishment for getting out of his decapitation on a technicality
What is having his mouth sewn shut
Knows a one legged chicken
Who is Khyler
Represents the archetypal pattern of misplaced anger
Who is Hera
The husband of Aphrodite
Who is Hephaestus
Odin transformed into this after tricking Gunlod out of the mead
What is an eagle
The golden ring given to Odin
What is Dropnir
Her special person is a “Squirrel Guy”
Who is Katelyn
Goddess of the Hearth
Who is Hestia
Athena’s gift to the city of Athens
An olive tree
Her hair was cut off by Loki
Who is Sif?
Urdur, Vervandi, and Skuld
Who are the Norns
Science Fair superstar
Who is Susana
in order for the winds to take the Greek ships to Troy, Artemis demanded this
What is a human sacrifice
Along with Tartarus and Asphodel, a region of the Underworld
What is Elysium
The set of dwarves who forged Gungnir (Odin’s spear)
Who are the Sons of Ivaldi
What is the golden boar given to Frey
Eats hard to pronounce foods on holidays
Who is Christian