Candace’s first car
Honda accord
How tall Candace is
Candace’s favorite snack
Trail mix
The number of bfs Candace has had
2 in gosh school 3after high school
Candace’s phobias
Claustrophobia and trypophobia (holes)
Candace’s first tattoo
Every rose has its thorn on her ribs
(100 bonus points for knowing it’s since been covered)
Candace’s least favorite alcoholic drink
White claws
Candace’s favorite super hero
Iron man
Candace’s first alcoholic drink
Candace’s favorite subjects in school
English or band
Childhood celebrity crush
Ashton Kutcher
Candaces dream vacation
Candace’s favorite Disney princess
Something Candace collects
Shot glasses from different states
A super power Candace would like to have
Location of Candace’s first kiss
Nani’s house
Current celebrity crush
Travis kelce
Candace’s favorite holiday
If Candace win the lottery she would
Pay off her student loans and pay for carters college
One thing candace could not live without
Candace wanted to be this when she grew up in middle school
Candace’s pet peve
When people smack their lips or are late
Candace’s favorite ride at Disney land
Haunted mansion
One ethnicity of food candace could eat every day forever
Candace’s degrees
Bachelors in social psych
Masters in educational counseling
Masters in educational leadership and administration