Who asked his father "But where is the lamb for our burnt offering?
A. Joseph
B. Jesus
C. Abel
D. Isaac
Who wrote most of the New Testament?
Which book of the Bible tells us about the life and events of Abraham?
Who did God send to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus?
John the Baptist
How many books in the Bible have only 1 chapter?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2 John
3 John
Who had the dream of angels coming up and down a staircase?
A. David
B. Solomon
C. Jacob
D. Joshua
Which New Testament boy learned about God from his mother and grandmother?
A. Paul
B. Timothy
C. Philip
D. Caleb
B. Timothy
In the parable of the men with talents, where did the servant who had received one talent put it?
A. his home
B. a hole in the ground
C. beside a tree by a river
D. he kept it with him at all times
B. a hole in the ground
How many years of famine did Joseph predict to Pharaoh?
How many times does the NT describe Jesus casting out demons?
A. 15
B. 35
C. 55
D. 75
C. 55
Who was promised to be a father of many nations and people?
Who did the people want released from jail when Pilate asked them "Do you want Jesus or this man released"?
Jesus spoke in parables when teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven. What is a parable?
A short story that teaches a lesson
How many languages does Pilate write
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews on the cross?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Which chapter in 1 Corinthians is known as the "love chapter"?
A. 3rd
B. 13th
C. 16th
D. 34rd
Who was Ruth's son?
A. Obed
B. Boaz
C. Malachi
D. Felix
A. Obed
Jesus was crucified on a mount called Golgotha. What does Golgotha mean?
A. place of death
B. place of the cross
C. place of the skull
D. place of desert
C. place of the skull
Of the armor of God, what is the helmet referred to as?
A. Helmet of salvation
B. Helmet of peace
C. Helmet of righteousness
D. Helmet of truth
A. Salvation
The 5th commandment is to Honor your father and mother. What is the promise that follows this commandment?
that you will have a long life
How many pieces of silver did Judas get for betraying Jesus?
Which famous Old Testament person has the name Belteshazzar?
Hint: He has a book named after him
A. Daniel
B. Jonah
C. Moses
D. Joshua
A. Daniel
When Mary saw Jesus after He resurrected at the garden, who did she think He was at first?
the gardner
Name 2 things Jesus compared His followers to
Salt Vines
Light Bread
Who cut the ear off of a Roman soldier when they arrested Jesus?
How many wisemen/kings does the Bible say came to visit Jesus as a toddler?
The Bible never says how many so technically we don't know.
To those of you who said 3, it just says they had 3 gifts, but never says there were 3 men