Angle Measures
Rigid Transformations
Corresponding Parts

Triangle ABC and Triangle IJK are congruent. Triangle ABC is a right triangle. This is the type of triangle that Triangle IJK is.

What is a right triangle?


Line EFG is a straight line. This is the measure of angle EFG.

What is 180 degrees?


These are the 3 kinds of rigid transformations we've learned about this unit.

What are translations, rotations, and reflections?

This point corresponds with point E in Polygon 1.

What is B?


The name of the actor who plays Black Panther

Who is Chadwick Boseman?


Two rectangles have the same side lengths. Do they have to be congruent?

What is yes.


This is the measure of angle KMJ, given that angle KMI is 38 degrees.

What is 142 degrees?


This is the kind of rigid transformation that takes Polygon P to Polygon Q.

What is a reflection?


Triangle ABC is reflected to make triangle DEF, and then is reflected again to make triangle GHI. This is the segment in triangle DEF that corresponds with line AC.

What is line FD? (or DF)


This is the deadliest animal on Earth for humans.

What is a mosquito?


Two quadrilaterals have the same side lengths. Do they have to be congruent?

What is no.


A right triangle has one angle with a measure of 40 degrees. This is the measure of the other angle.

What is 50 degrees?


The degrees and direction of the rotation that takes Polygon J to Polygon K.

What is 90 degrees, clockwise?


Triangle ABC is reflected to make triangle DEF, and then is reflected again to make triangle GHI. This is the angle in triangle GHI that corresponds with angle CAB.

What is angle HIG? (or angle GIH)

This is something that is orange and sounds like a parrot.
What is a carrot?

This describes a series of transformations that prove that Polygon A is congruent to Polygon B.

What is a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation, or a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation and a translation to the right


The measure of angle CGE, given that line AB and line CD are parallel, and that the measure of angle AHF is 135 degrees.

What is 45 degrees?


Point A lies at (3,-2) on the coordinate plane. These are the coordinates of A' after a reflection over the y-axis.

What are (-3, -2)?


To make this diagram, Triangle ABC was translates so that A goes to C. Then, Triangle ABC was translated so that A goes to B. These are the names of two angles that are equal to angle CAB.

What are FCE and EBD?


The name of Ms. Pham's resident teacher when you all were in 6th grade.

Who is Mr. Franks?


These are the correct answers of the following choices.

A. Figure A is congruent to Figure B

B. Figure A is a translation of Figure B

C. Triangle C is congruent to Triangle C'

D. Triangle D is congruent to Triangle D'

What are C and D?


Given that lines UP and TQ are parallel, and that Angle RPS is equal to 155 degrees, this is the measure of angle PQS.

What is 65 degrees?


Point B lies at (5, 4) on the coordinate plane. These are the coordinates of B' after a 180 degree rotation around the origin, (0,0)

What are (-5, -4)?


To make this diagram, Triangle ABC was translates so that A goes to C. Then, Triangle ABC was translated so that A goes to B. These are the names of two angles that are equal to angle ECB.

What are CBA, EDB and FEC?


The number of days since our first day of school. (This is including weekend days and days off!)

What is 30?