Aras Abi's car's colour?
Imanin 6 sarti
Allaha, meleklere, kitaplara, peygamberle, ahirete, kaza ve kaderin Allahtan geldigine inanmak.
What is the name of our prophet's (SAW) mother?
How many rakats do we pray daily (including the sunnah/witr not including nafile)?
40 rakat
What was the main topic covered in the camp?
Salah (namaz)
Bedirhan Abi's first name?
What is the Islamic term for giving to charity, one of the Five Pillars?
When was the first vahiy?
When did Salah (namaz) become obligatory?
After mirac
What is name of the lake?
Golden lake
Ridvan Abi's program in university?
Where was the first islamic battle in our prophet's life?
Badr valley
What is the name of our prophet's (SAW) mushrik uncle?
Ebu Leheb
Gunun hangi vakitlerinde namaz kilinmasi uygun degildir?
keraat vakti.
Names of all abis that came for sohbet...
Ismail abi, Fatih abi, Ihsan abi, Adil abi
What is name of Omer Abi's older brother?
Ibrahim Hakan
Where is Habeshistan now?
Name 5 of the prophet's kids?
Kasım, Zeynep, Rukiyye, Ümmü Gülsüm, Fatıma ve Abdullah, Ibrahim
Teyemmum ne zaman bozulur?
Su gorunce.
When do Abis wake up for tahajjud?
Where did Bedirhan Abi and Ridvan Abi meet (country)?
Hz. Ali, Hz. Ebu Bekir, Hz. Osman, Hz. Omer
Which 3 animals helped our prophet (SAW) in his hijrah (migration) to Madina?
horse, spider, pigeon
Who made the 1st Athan? Kim ilm ezani okudu?
Hz. Bilal
Sabah namazindan sonra olan uykuya timetable'da ne dedik?
Tenevvur-u Intibah