How long does a full term pregnancy last?
280 Days or 40 weeks
What are babies born without?
Kneecaps - they have a structure made of cartilage that resembles a kneecap, but they don't fully develop until around 6 months of age.
The month in which the mom-to-be found out she was pregnant?
Around eight weeks after the first day of your last period,
Name what the babies is wrapped in after its born?
What is a “swaddle blanket”?
where was Humpty Dumpty sitting before he had a great fall?
Answer: "on a wall"?
How many trimesters are there?
What is the first sense baby acquired?
Touch - This is the very first sense to form, with development starting at around 8 weeks.
The month in which the mom to be is due to give a birth?
9 month + 7 days
What item is used to keep a baby’s clothes clean during feeding?
Answer : Bib
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” what do the little stars do?
Answer: Twinkle
What kind of vitamin should you take?
folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and vitamin C.
How many bones do babies have?
300 - A baby's body has about 300 bones at birth. These eventually fuse (grow together) to form the 206 bones that adults have.
Kind of food is mom to be craving during the pregnancy?
sweets, carbohydrates, fast food, fruit, dairy, spicy foods, pickles, animal protein, and cold foods.
Which item is commonly used to carry a baby around while keeping the caregiver’s hands free?
Answer: What is a “baby carrier”?
Who is the character that goes “Wee Willie Winkie, running through the town”?
Answer : Wee Willie Winkie”
What trimester will the baby start to move?
Babies do this most of the time after born?
Snooze - The first few weeks, your baby will snooze about 16 hours a day, usually in 2- to 4-hour stretches, any time of day or night.
The first item that mom to be purchase for baby?
Parents often purchase early on is a crib or bassinet for the baby to sleep in.
What is the name of the specialized infant bed designed to keep a baby safe while sleeping?
Answer : the crib
In the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” what followed Mary to school one day?
Answer : the lamb
The period of pregnancy at which the doctor can identify the gender of the baby?
Week 18 - 22
How many diapers does an average baby use?
8–12 diapers per day and between 2,000 and 2,200 diapers in their first year.
What is the common term for the feeling of nausea often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the morning?
Morning Sickness
What is the term for the device that provides gentle vibration or rocking motion to help soothe a fussy baby?
Answer:“baby swing” or “bouncer”
What did Little Miss Muffet sit on while eating her curds and whey?
• Answer: What is “a tuffet”?