How do you spell bottle
which one is not a graphic novel element?
1.speech balloons
2. Layout
3. Captions
2. Layout
Holly left her bag at the park. We went back to go get it and it wasn't they're.
Fix this sentence
Holly left her bag at the park. We went back to go get it and it wasn't there.
What was the name of the 2 books we read for English?
Parvana and Boy overboard
How do you spell History?
Which one of these ARE graphic novel elements?
1. body language
2.size and position
3. Gutter
What punctuation goes at this sentence?
Do you know where the school caferteria is
Question Mark (?)
What perspective would you write in when doing diary writing?
First person
Which spelling is right;
1. nasous
2. nauseous
3. naushish
2. Nauseous
What are the different types of visual literacy elements?
Angle and direction
Size and positioning
Object and symbolism
Body Language
What punctuation represents exaggeration?
Exclamation mark (!)
What is the syllable pattern of a Haiku?
How is psychology spelt?
What elements usually represent emotions?
Color, lighting and body language
Which sentence is grammatically correct?
Sorry I was late to school I had to rush
Sorry, I was late to school I had to rush.
Sorry, I was late to school, I had to rush!
Sorry, I was late to school, I had to rush!
What tense do poets write in usually?
Past tense
How do you spell charcuterie?
What does the color purple usually represent?
Wisdom, creativity, royalty and power
What is Ellipsis in punctuation?
What is the structure and important elements of diary writing?
Body Paragraphs
First person
Past Tense
Time connectives
Correct spelling and punctuation
Speech - indirect/direct
Complex sentences