Commandments in Real Life 1
Commandments in Real Life 2
Mortal vs Venial Sin
Mortal or Venial Sin in Real Life

A person puts work or hobbies ahead of spending time with God. Which commandment are they breaking?

First Commandment: "You shall have no other gods before Me." 

We are called to love and worship God first, prioritizing Him over all other interests.


Mary refuses to help a friend who is struggling, despite having the ability to help. Which commandment is she breaking?

Mary is violating the Fourth Commandment, which commands us to honor and help those in need, including our friends and family.


What is the difference between mortal and venial sins?

Mortal sin is a grave offense against God's law that destroys our relationship with Him. 

Venial sin is a less serious offense that weakens but does not destroy our relationship.


Sarah lies to her friend about what she did over the weekend to avoid a confrontation.

Sarah’s lie to avoid confrontation is a venial sin because it’s a small, non-serious untruth with no significant harm.


A person uses God’s name carelessly in a conversation. Which commandment is being broken?

Second Commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." 

This commandment calls us to honor God’s name with reverence.


Joe is constantly late to Mass on Sundays, though he knows he should go. Which commandment is he violating?

Joe is violating the Third Commandment, which requires us to keep the Sabbath holy by attending Mass and resting.


What makes a sin mortal?

Mortal sin requires grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent. Without all three conditions, the sin is not mortal.


John is consistently late for Mass on Sundays, even though he knows it’s a serious obligation.

John’s consistent lateness to Mass is a mortal sin if done with full knowledge and deliberate consent, as it disregards a serious commandment to keep the Sabbath holy.


A person has a habit of gossiping about others behind their back. Which commandment are they violating?

Eighth Commandment: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." 

This involves dishonoring others through lies or uncharitable speech.


Sarah spreads a rumor about a classmate that isn’t true. Which commandment is she violating?

Sarah is violating the Eighth Commandment, which prohibits bearing false witness and spreading lies.


How can venial sin affect your relationship with God?

A venial sin is less serious and does not break one’s relationship with God, but can weaken it.


Amy gossips about a coworker behind their back, sharing untrue information.

Amy’s gossip is a venial sin, as it involves a less serious form of false witness. However, it can become mortal if it seriously harms another person's reputation.


A person is jealous of a friend’s new car and starts to resent them for it. Which commandment is being broken?

Tenth Commandment: "You shall not covet your neighbor's goods." 

This commandment teaches us to avoid envy and the desire for what others have.


A person envies a coworker’s promotion and wants to take credit for their own success. Which commandment is being broken?

Envy of another person’s success violates the Tenth Commandment, which prohibits coveting another’s goods.


Why is full knowledge important for a mortal sin to be committed?

Mortal sin separates us from God and, if not repented, can lead to eternal separation from Him.


A person feels intense jealousy toward a friend’s promotion and wishes ill upon them.

Jealousy and wishing ill upon a friend is a venial sin. It involves the vice of envy but does not involve direct action to harm the other person.


A person is consistently late to work and shows disrespect for authority, causing frustration in their workplace. Which commandment are they breaking?

Fourth Commandment: "Honor your father and mother" (which includes respecting authority figures like employers). 

It calls us to respect the proper authorities in our lives.


During an argument, Lisa curses and insults her friend. Which commandment is she breaking?

Lisa is violating the Second Commandment, which forbids using God's name in vain or insulting others.


What happens if a person commits a mortal sin and does not repent?

Committing a mortal sin without repentance leads to eternal separation from God. 

It requires the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) for forgiveness.


During an argument, Lisa curses and insults her friend. Which commandment is she breaking?

Lisa’s insults during an argument are a mortal sin because they involve serious harm to another's dignity and are rooted in anger, a grave moral offense.