Navigational Tools
Historical Events.
Answer the questions/funny memes

In 1492, he set sail from Spain in search of a new trade route to Asia, but instead, he stumbled upon the Caribbean islands 

 Christopher Columbus


A --------- is a fundamental navigational tool that uses Earth's magnetic field to determine direction.



Captain James Cook, an English explorer, embarked on his first voyage aboard the HMS Endeavour.

The First Voyage of James Cook


This devastating conflict originated in Central Europe and involved most of the major European powers.

 The Thirty Years' War


Who are the  best teacher in the school there is 3 teachers that are the best if you get this wrong you die

Mrs Hammond and Mr Cooper and Ms Mohammed


He was a Portuguese explorer who led the first circumnavigation of the Earth.

Ferdinand Magellan


 The ---------- was an ancient instrument that continued to be used in the 1700s



Following the success of his first voyage, ---- set sail on his second expedition, this time aboard the HMS Resolution.

The Second Voyage of James Cook


 This conflict erupted between the supporters of King Charles I and those who opposed his absolute rule. 

The English Civil War

Guess the meme the meme is blue and famous and a cat.

Smurf cat


He was a British explorer and navigator who made several significant voyages in the 18th century.

James Cook


The ----------- was another instrument used for celestial navigation. It consisted of a quarter-circle graduated scale and a plumb line.



The HMS Beagle, captained by Robert FitzRoy, embarked on a surveying mission around South America.

The Voyage of HMS Beagle


Also referred to as the Revolution of 1688, this event marked a pivotal moment in English history. It involved the overthrow of King James II by a coalition of Protestant nobles and William III of Orange-Nassau, who was invited to assume the throne alongside his wife Mary II.

The Glorious Revolution


This meme is an old meme and it is a state in the USA.

Ohio meme


He was a Norwegian explorer who is best known for being the first person to reach the South Pole

Roald Amundsen


 The -------- was a simpler version of the quadrant. It consisted of a wooden staff with a sliding crosspiece called a "vane."



The Dutch East India Company (VOC) conducted numerous voyages during the 17th century to establish trade routes and colonies in Asia.

The Dutch East India Company Voyages


Although not a specific event per se, the 17th century witnessed a profound shift in scientific thinking and methodology. Scholars such as Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and René Descartes made groundbreaking discoveries and developed new theories that challenged traditional beliefs and laid the foundation for modern science.

The Scientific Revolution


This meme is a someone in your phone and if you have snapchat you might know who it is.

Snapchat Ai


He was a Portuguese explorer who is best known for being the first European to reach India by sea.

Vasco da Gama


 Although not widely used until later in the 18th century, some versions of the -------- were available in the late 1700s. The --------- improved upon previous instruments by using mirrors to measure angles more accurately



Initiated by Peter the Great of Russia, the Great Northern Expedition aimed to explore and map the vast territories of Siberia and the Russian Far East.

The Great Northern Expedition


This dark chapter in American history unfolded in colonial Massachusetts when a wave of hysteria swept through Salem Village. Accusations of witchcraft led to the arrest, trial, and execution of numerous individuals, mostly women.

The Salem Witch Trials


This meme is an animal

Pepe the frog