Grab Bag
UI/UX (kinda)
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Grab Bag

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Who is Spongebob Squarepants?


This is how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon

What is 3?


This term for a simple design layout shares its name with a modern fashionable type of "filament-like" eyeglasses

What is a wireframe?


In John Mulaney's Netflix special, John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch, this former Taylor Swift love interest played Mr. Music, an insane "music teacher" with a xylophone printed on his shirt – this was somehow not his oddest role

Who is Jake Gyllenhaal?


In the folklore tale of Hansel and Gretel, this is how the children kill the evil witch

What is (threw her into the oven/burning/set on fire)?


Google's Chromebooks replaces the Caps Lock key with this key

What is Search?


This organelle is known as the "powerhouse of the cell"

What is the mitochondria?


"You & I" was a hit 2014 single from this pop boy band, which features Harry Styles

What is One Direction?


Taylor Swift sang "Safe & Sound" on the soundtrack for this movie based on a series of young adult dystopian novels.

What is The Hunger Games?


These are the RGB color coordinates of pure red

What is (255, 0, 0)?


Rabat, not Casablanca or Marrakesh, is the capital of this Mediterranean nation

What is Morocco?


In a standard Monopoly game, these are the four railroad properties

What are B&O, Pennsylvania, Short Line, and Reading?


The University of Illinois (UI) was founded in 1867 and is located in these twin cities

What are Champaign and Urbana?


Miss Americana, the 2020 documentary outlining Taylor Swift's rise to fame and foray into politics, premiered at this famous American Film Festival

What is the Sundance Film Festival?


This long-lyriced Billy Joel song, which references a number of historical events, hit #1 on records charts in December 1989

What is We Didn't Start the Fire?


Prior to their 2018 Stanley Cup victory, the Washington Capitals had won this trophy for most regular season points in back-to-back years

What is the Presidents' Trophy?


These are a group of elements that can be incredibly reactive due to their affinity to acquire electrons. For this reason, they are dangerous and can be lethally toxic

What are the halogens?


User interfaces are composed of one or more layers, including an HMI – which stands for this

What is a human-machine interface?


Prior to moving to Tennessee at the age of 14, Taylor Swift was born in this northern fifth-most populous American state

What is Pennsylvania?


In the United States, 38 states allow this driving tactic, as long as both the origin and destination streets are one-way

What is a left turn on red?


This widely popular central European language capitalizes every noun

What is German?


The Bachelor's season finale culminates with this gathering in front of a live studio audience

What is After the Final Rose?


The UX is a model of subcompact SUV made by this Japanese car manufacturer

What is Lexus?


This 2013 musical dramedy starring Kiera Knightley and Mark Ruffalo centered around a struggling singer-songwriter who's discovered by an aging music producer - it's also the last song on Taylor Swift's Red album

What is Begin Again?


The folklore tale of Rip Van Winkle, about a man who falls asleep and wakes up 20 years later, was written by this American novelist – also known for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Who is Washington Irving?