What am I?
Eligibility RULES!
Name that Process.
When in doubt transfer out.

Maximum of 24 months.

I am not used in the AFC.

Some would say I sound like a hello greeting in Hawaiian. 

What is ALOA?


The ability to gain full service credits for 810 hours. 

What is 12 for 9?


All members have the option to return to work or return to membership after retirement, however... this plan has a different set of rules when considering these options. What plan is it and what is it called?

What is LEOFF 2 Career Choice?


My RMD was only taxed 10%, I must be doing this process...

What is a withdrawal with RMD and rollover?


A member calls in to ask about how a divorce will affect their pension, who do we transfer the call to?

What is DEORR?


I always auto enroll Local Employers including school districts.

One-Step investing or Build and Monitor Funds are my choices.

I may not be a system, but I am a great supplemental plan.

What is DCP?


You can retire with 5 years of service if you are in which plan?

What is Plan 2 or Plan 3 accounts with 12 months earned after age 44?


For most plans if you work over 90 hours you will receive one service credit, however... from January 1987 through August 1991 some people did not have enough hours to reach to receive service credits. What is the process for correcting this called?

What is RECON?


A member needs to request this to officially start the retirement process.

What is Estimate?


A member is calling to report a death, who do we transfer the call to?

What is DnD?


I am an amount that is paid to the employee.

I am useable for an AFC period.

For PERS 2 and 3 an annual leave cash out would not apply to me.

What is Reportable Compensation?


10 years are required to be eligible for an unreduced pension at age 60.

What is PSERS 2?


If you have 30 years of service in a plan you can qualify for an ERF depending on what year you started working, however... with Plan 1 accounts you can apply for what program?

What is the post-30 contributions?


Those darn employers, they reported something after the member retired! Now I have to do this process..

What is a ReCalc?


A teacher calls in to ask about a July versus September retirement date, who do we transfer the call to?

What is we don't, the CC should be able to assist this member.


For PERS I am earned before 2003.

I only go one direction.

If I was in SERS with prior PERS 2 time, I get this right.

What is January Transfer Window?


If a member was looking for rules on eligibility, where would you find that on the DRS website?

What is the Employer Handbook Chapter 2?


There is no way to buy yourself to the 5 year vested mark, however if you are in this system you can use up to 45 days of accumulated sick leave for the purpose of determining eligibly to retire. 

What is SERS 2/3?


A tool used to communicate information from the Contact Center (CC) to the RSD Processing Center (PC) about requesting optional bill.

What is a PRF?


An employer calls to discuss a problem they are having reporting information on a member of ours, who do we transfer the call to?

What is ESS?


I end up in Box 5 on a 1099R form.

The IRS requires I be spread over the life of a benefit.

DETAIL is a great screen to find me, but if you visit REVCAL and go to the other amounts moreable you will also be able to find me.

What is Basis Recovery?


In order to qualify for this system an employee must be fully commissioned, full time and fully compensated.

What is LEOFF?


If a PERS/TRS 1 retiree did not select AutoCOLA at the time of retirement, they will not receive a COLA, however... when a retiree's benefit falls below a specified minimum in any given year, they receive one or both of these increases.

What is Adjusted Minimum Benefit (AMB) or Benefit Minimum Increase Adjustment (BMI).


I can be simple, or I can be interruptive. Either way I help a separated member's AFC.

What is Indexing?


A member calls in to do a withdrawal. They are employed through UW. Who do we transfer the call to?

What is we look to see if in a PERS eligible position or just DCP. If just DCP we transfer to VOYA, if it's a PERS account the CC can deal with it.