Periodic Table

2 + 2 = ?



A Japanese ship was sailing in the Pacific Ocean. Japanese captain of the ship decided to take a shower. He kept his diamond chain and golden watch in the table shelf and went for shower and returned in 10 minutes.

Now , when he returns he is shocked to see that neither his watch nor his chain is there.

Assuming that it is the mischief of one of his crew members, he called the crew in the ship and questions them, what were they were doing in last 10 minutes. There were four of them, and following was their response:

  1. British (Cook) : “I was in the cold room to select the meat for the lunch.”

  2. Mexican (Worker) : “I was at the top of the ship correcting the flag which was upside down.”

  3. Indian (Engineer): “I was in generator room checking the generator.”

  4. French (House keeping Crew): “I was sleeping after the night shift.”

After listening to all of them , the captain realises that one of them is telling a lie and must be the thief.

The Mexican

Reason: The Japanese flag is white with a red dot in the middle. It cannot be upside-down.


Who was the first US President?

George Washington


Who made the famous painting called "The Mona Lisa"?

Leonardo da Vinci


What does water consist of?

Hydrogen and Oxygen(H20)


10 x 10 = ?



A wealthy family lived in a big circular house. They had a maid, a butler, and a gardener. The parents were going to a party, so they tucked the younger kids into bed and kissed them goodnight and said goodbye, and kissed the older kids goodnight. When the parents came home, all the kids were gone—they had been kidnapped. The authorities ask the butler, maid, and gardener what they were doing at the time of the kidnapping. The butler says he was organizing the library, the maid says she was dusting the corners, and the gardener says he was watering the plants. Who’s lying and actually kidnapped the kids?

The maid—she said she was dusting the corners, but the family lives in a circular house, so there are no corners.


When was the Declaration of Independence Signed?

July 4th 1776


What are the 3 warm colors?

Red, Yellow and Orange


What is the 8th Element on the Periodic Table. The chemical symbol being O.



100 ÷ 4 = ?



A woman is sitting in her hotel room and hears a knock at the door. She opens the door to see a man whom she’s never met before. He says, “I’m sorry, I have made a mistake, I thought this was my room.” He then goes down the corridor and into the elevator. The woman goes back into her room and calls security. What made the woman so suspicious of the man?

If he really thought it was his hotel room, he would have tried to open the door—not knock on it first.


Where was the place the first shots of the Civil War were fired?

Fort Sumter


What do you call a repeating design?

A Pattern


What does Gray mean on the Periodic Table of Elements?

Unknown properties


10 digit of π(pi)?



A woman wants to enter an exclusive club, but she doesn’t know the password. A man walks to the door and the doorman says 12, the man says 6, and is let in. Another man walks up and the doorman says 6, the man says 3, and is let in. Thinking she’s figured it out, she walks up to the door and the doorman says 10, she says 5, and she isn’t let in. What should she have said?

  Three—the code is the number of letters that are in the number the doorman says.


What are the years the Civil War were fought?



What do you call The way the surface of something feels?

A Texture


 How many Elements are there?



100 to the 3rd power?



I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you solve the riddle?


Forget all of the filler words meant to trick you in the beginning, and pay attention to the last line. It asks you directly if you can solve the riddle. To which the answer is an affirmative no!


What is the place where Robert E. Lee surrendered at the end of the Civil War?

Appomattox Court House


________ is the lightness or darkness of a color.



What is Element #53?
