who is my partner in the ballad
DJ j Meyer
What is my middle name?
What is Renee
what did skinny jeans snap me that started it all
what is "work kicked my *** today"
what position do I play in soccer
what is
- Center- left Back
- Left Back
-Defensive mid
every other weekend I go to dads
what do I need to stop saying (I say it too much lol)
What was the name of the guy I was talking to this past summer?
What is William Davidson
who threw a Starbucks gift card at me in the hallway
what is Nikola
two ______ in front of me
what is gyatts
what do I always get from ice cream places
choclate malts
Who is the guy everyone thinks I like
Who is John Musick
What are my orders from Starbucks(there's 2)?
What is Pink Drink & Caramel Maccihato
when I was making Mac and cheese for Thanksgiving what did Aunt Megan shove in my face
What is her jar of kidney stones
what are my three favorite shows
what is
- You
- Bob's Burgers
- Bojack Horseman
what are my pets names and how many do I have
6 pets
Henry gizzy piper penny cha-cha lizzy
what did my xc team qualify for this year for the first time ever in 2A
What is one of my pet peeves?
What is when people don't look at me when they talk
describe Brayden Johnson #1 and Brayden Johnson #2
Brayden Johnson #1- hunts, band, reed Custer, follow me around
Brayden Johnson #2- freaky, "sneaky link", wrestler,
what day did frank first text me?
what is September 30,2023
how many curbs have I hit
What did Mrs. Lutz do that embarrassed me so much?
She wanted to set me up with her neighbor
How much did I weigh when I was born?
What is 2lbs 7oz
who is shelly Baker write
my mom account in 8th grade
How many people have I kissed...
what is 5!
what was the two accounts I had before Zachary Jones
a hairstylist and a teacher