Groups and teams
Managing change
Managing creativity
Social networks

This model of group development includes the following phases: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

What is Tuckman’s five-stage model of group development?


This model proposes that, in any organization, there are four elements of change, including organizational arrangements, social factors, methods, and people.

What is the systems model of change?


These are the two dimensions that define a creative OUTCOME.

What are 1) novelty and 2) usefulness?


A set of ties, all of the same type, among a set of “actors”.

What is a social network?


This is generally considered a way to correct an individual's biases when making decisions. 

What is GROUP decision-making?


______ is an organizational function of a group. 

a) fulfill the need for affiliation

b) reduce anxieties

c) build self-esteem

d) coordinate interdepartmental efforts

e) provide an opportunity to test perceptions of social reality

What is d?


This model proposes 8 steps that need to be followed in sequence for change to be successful.

What is Kotter's model of change?


This phase of creativity seeks to thin down the idea set into a very small set of ideas (maybe one) that will be taken forward for further development.

What is convergence?


Access to private information, access to diverse skillsets, informal power. 

What are the advantages of a low-density network?


Demographic characteristics, technological advancements, market changes, and social and political pressures are all examples of these. 

What are EXTERNAL forces of change?


A set of expected behaviors for a particular position.

What is a role?


According to this model, you can approach the organization as if it were a sick patient. 

What is the 'Organizational development approach to change'?


Problem formulation, information gathering, idea generation, and idea evaluation.

What are creative performance behaviors?


In a network, this name is given to those who connect non-redundant sources of information.

What is a broker?


These are the three factors that cause people to resist change.

What are 1) recipients' characteristics? 2) change agent characteristics? 3) change agent-recipient relationship?


Research has clearly indicated that self-managed teams perform better than cross-functional teams.



According to Lewin, this step involves making the change part of the new normal.

What is 'refreezing'?


In the creativity model, these include things like the company's culture, the leaders' attitudes towards failure, a shared vision, etc. 

What are situation factors?


The idea that, in social networks, acquaintances are likely to be more influential than close friends, particularly when looking for new opportunities.

What is the power of weak ties?


These are the most effective ways of managing resistance to change.

Answers may vary:

What is Education and communication, Participation and involvement, Facilitation and support, Negotiation and agreement?


A model of group development in which the first phase is one of inertia. A transition takes place exactly when the group has used up half its allotted time. The transition initiates major changes. A second phase of inertia follows the transition, and the group’s last meeting is characterized by markedly accelerated activity.

What is the punctuated equilibrium model?


This type of change introduces a practice that is completely new to the industry.

What is radically innovative change?


This is an effective way of increasing creativity in the workplace.

Answers vary, but may include... 

What is... Effectively managing creative performance behaviors, developing an environment in which the group is more important than the individual, giving feedback, hiring great people possessing required person factors...


A measure of how many ties between actors exist compared to how many ties between actors are possible.

What is density?


This principle for building your network suggests that connecting with a cross-section of disparate individuals around a common interest may be more effective than connecting with similar individuals with shared backgrounds.

What is the shared activities principle?