The percentage of journalism that must be true.
What is 100%?
Two types of news.
What are hard and soft?
What is the subject?
The decade in which blogging began.
What is the 1990s?
The best journalism class ever.
What is this class?
The type of journalism that requires a lot of digging into an event and gathering detailed information.
What is investigative journalism?
The type of news that is produced using recorded voice or video.
What is broadcast journalism?
The five parts of a sentence.
What are Capital letter, end mark, subject, verb, and complete sense.
The definition of blog.
What is an online platform for sharing thoughts and ideas?
Setting, plot, imagery, dialogue, and point-of-view.
What are literary elements?
The five W's and H.
What are who, what, where, when, why and how?
Includes breaking news, politics, and business.
What is hard news?
Three ways to begin a sentence.
What are Preposition, ing Verb, Subject, Clause, or ly Adverb?
The order of blog posts.
What is reverse chronological?
Alliteration, personification, simile, and onomatopoeia.
What are literary devices?
In journalism, all the important facts come first.
What is the inverted pyramid?
News stories about movies, celebrities, and art.
What is entertainment journalism?
The one part of speech all sentences contain.
What is a verb?
The three most common blog posting schedules.
What are daily, weekly, and monthly?
Three of the five ways to approach a blog.
What are Personal reflections, Advocate for something, Share ideas, Give practical help, or How-to?
The type of questions used for interviews.
What are short and open-ended?
News warning the public that they may be getting tricked or misled.
What is watchdog news?
Found at the beginning of a paragraph.
What is an indentation?
Four of the seven blog types.
What are personal, niche, multimedia, news, company, affiliate, reverse?
The four levels of blog privacy.
What are private, family/teacher/peers, class/school, and the whole world?