What is a cookie?
Today is lunch…
Today is chocolate day?
No, today is sandwich day.
When we take a picture we say...
Today a … day.
How many animals are there in the song?
Five animals.
Say 3 fruits.
Apple, banana and greapes.
Peanut means…
Say 3 emotions.
Happy, funny and scary monster.
What is the song about?
Chocolate cake.
What colos is the cookie jar?
It’s red.
What is the name of the song?
Counting bananas.
You need to make the sandwich…
….2 slices of bread, a knife and peanut butter or jelly.
Sing a part of the song.
Let’s take a picture, you and me.
Look at the camera: 1, 2, 3.
How many people are in the song?
3 persons.