Name That Central Idea!
How the Author Develops Central Idea
Short and Extended Response
Friendly but Important Reminders!
If you go to the Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago, you will see someone working to help patients. This is a job that helps people do more. It is a job that takes patience and skills. This person is a Physical Therapist. As you read what one person says about her job, imagine yourself doing this kind of work some day. How would you feel if every day you helped people make progress? What's the central idea of this passage? a. Physical Therapists help people. b. Physical Therapists work hard. c. Physical Therapists work in hospitals. d. Physical Therapists use skills
What is a. Physical Therapists help people.
Make an inference... A little girl is sitting in a chair in her robe. She has a frown on her face and she is holding her head. She also has a thermometer in her mouth.
What is the little girl is sick
What strategy did the author use to develop the central idea? Gregg Popovich coaches the National Basketball Association (NBA)'s San Antonio Spurs. He said he absolutely understands why Kaepernick and other protestors are doing what they're doing. "The important thing that Kaepernick and others have done is to keep it in the conversation," he said.
What is quotations
How many paragraphs do you need for your extended response?
What is 5!
When is the ela mosl?
What is tomorrow!
At last. They were safe. A brave little company of pioneers from the Atlantic coast crossed the Mississippi River. They finally succeeded in climbing to the top of the great Rockies and down again into a valley in the very midst of the mountains. It was a valley of brown, bare, desert soil, in a climate where almost no rain falls. But the snow on the mountain-tops sent down little streams of pure water; the winds were gentle. Like a blue jewel at the foot of the western hills was a marvelous lake of salt water, an inland sea. Some wanted to keep going, but most said, this is where we should live—the journey is accomplished. So the pioneers settled there and built themselves huts and cabins so they could survive the first winter. What's the central idea? a. The pioneers got to their destination. b. It was a difficult journey. c. It would be a challenging winter. d. The lake would be important.
What is a. The pioneers got to their destination.
Warren pushed the back door open with his elbow. He was dragging a heavy black plastic sack behind him. Thud, thud, thud. The bag thumped each stair Warren descended. Thud, thud, rip, drip, drip. The bag had gotten caught on a nail and a foul, odorous juice poured out, splashing Warren's leg. "Ew... gross!" Warren shouted as he adjusted the bag. He walked out to the alley and deposited the bag in a large plastic container, closing the lid behind him as he left, still muttering about his pants. What is Warren doing?
What is taking out the trash
What method did the author use to develop the central idea? It’s been estimated that 70 to 80 percent of foods eaten in the United States contain ingredients that have been genetically modified. They are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
What is statistics
How many R.A.s will you need for each short response?
What is 2!
What should you do first before reading the passage?
What is read the questions!
What I like about my job is that it is always very interesting and never boring. I like that I am never alone but surrounded by people all the time. They tell me that I have made a difference in their lives and when I go home at night, I know that I have touched someone else's life and they appreciate the work I did for them. I also love that my job combines being active and physical with being a thinker and doing a lot of problem solving. What's the central idea? a. My job is interesting. b. My job is rewarding. c. My job is difficult. d. My job is demanding.
What is b. My job is rewarding.
Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi-truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and then zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into a parking spot, she grabbed her suitcase and ran through the lot, up the escalator, and into the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket and then at the line to get through the security checkpoint, which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk. Why is Karen in a hurry?
What is she is worried that she was going to miss her flight
GMOs are plant or animal products that have been re-engineered in a lab. Scientists use the DNA of bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. The purpose is to make seeds yield more crops or make the crops heartier. GMOs also make them more tolerant of herbicides that kill weeds, and resistant to insects and drought.
What is description?
What two things will you need to do for your short response even though they don't ask you to?
What is write the central idea and use RARACECEC?
When choosing an argument for your extended response, it's not about your opinion but it's about......
What is what argument has the best evidence!
While local foods aren’t always better than long-distance ones, one thing is clear: “Research has shown that people who eat the highest amount of fruits and vegetables simply have healthier diets,” says Chin. You can get those health benefits “no matter how they’re produced.” What's the central idea?
What is People who eat the highest amount of fruits and vegetables simply have healthier diets
Make an inference... Before the law passed, Hickman housed several million chickens in stacked wire enclosures. They are known as battery cages. These cages leave each bird with less space than a sheet of photocopy paper, or a little more than 90 square inches.
What is answer may vary
In the United States, the glyphosate herbicide currently is sprayed heavily on 84 percent of all GMO crops. Corn, soybeans, canola, sugar beets, cotton, wheat, beans and rice are all sprayed with it. What are two strategies that the author uses to develop the central idea?
What are statistics and examples?
In order to get a 4 for trait 1, what do you need to make sure that you do?
What is answer varies
After reading each paragraph, what do you need to do?
What is write the gist!
List FOUR ways that you the reader, can identify the central idea?
What is title, first and last sentence of each paragraph, read conclusion paragraph, key details, key vocabulary, read the blurb, gist for each paragraph, find the topic....
Make an inference... Kaepernick is not even the only one to make a political statement at a sporting event this year. In July, Minnesota Lynx players, part of the Women’s National Basketball Association, wore Black Lives Matter T-shirts before a game. Black Lives Matter is an activist-led movement that protests against discriminatory practices toward black people by police and the courts. Four off-duty police officers providing security for the event walked off the job, staging their own protest.
What is answers may vary
Name five ways authors develop central idea...
What is answers may vary
Is buying and eating organic foods the best way to eat? Write an outline for an extended response...
What is answer varies
How do you know that you made an inference correctly?
What is you cannot find the information in the text