John attended this specialized trade school after serving in the Army.
What is Art School?
This farm was home to the Neal family in the early 1930s.
Where is the Weathers Farm?
Like its seat, the county is named after this queen of the United Kingdom who reigned from1761 - 1818
Who is Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz?
This Neal sibling is a published author of four books, tow of them are available on Amazon.
Who is aunt Julia?
John graduated from this high school in May of 1944.
What is Reid High School?
After a short stint on a couple of small farms in the county, the Neal family moved to this small town outside of Charlotte.
Where is Belmont?
Mecklenburg County was the first part of the thirteen colonies to declare independence from this world power.
What is Great Britain?
This Neal sibling would rule the roost when Momma and Poppa Neal left them in charge.
Who is BigSis or aunt Anna?
John servered in the Army as part of the D-Day invasion in this European country.
What is Italy?
Before marrying Clarence B Neal, Mary Adeline Matilda carried this surname.
Who are the Griers?
This artificial fresh water lake is the largest lake in the state of North Carolina.
What is Lake Norman?
This need sibling would often take the younger John on excursions in the woods that involved swimming and hunting.
Who is uncle Clarence?
After consulting with Volkswagen as a technical illustrator, John and his wife retired to this coastal town in North Carolina
Where is Elizabeth City?
Poppa Neal used this vehicle to transport farms goods into town for sale.
What is a Model T Ford?
This world famous evangelist who lived from 1918-2018 was born in Mecklenburg County.
Who was Billy Graham?
This Neal sibling with the grace of God and no formal education sent both of their children to college while instilling a strong spiritual foundation them.
Who is Blandina Neal?