make, made, made
Name a typical Canadian animal
beaver, carbiou, moose, racoon, polar bear, goose
Beavers attack dogs.
Dogs are attacked by beavers.
= big
run, ran, run
Name Canada's two official languages
English and French
Their dams sometimes cause floods.
Floods are sometimes caused by their dams.
= native
throw, threw, thrown
Name Canada's largest region
Climate change has forced polar bears to move south
Polar bears have been forced by climate change to move south
choose, chose, chosen
Name the Canadian territory which is famous for potatoes
Prince Edward Island
They will give instructions on how to deal with polar bears.
Instructions on how to deal with polar bears will be given by them.
I know it's dangerous here but we must v_________ ____________.
venture forth
lay, laid, laid
Give a rough estimate of Quebec's population
about 8 million people
They haven't found a solution to the problem yet.
A solution to the problem hasn't been found by them yet.
There are so many interesting plants and animals here. I love the __________ and ______________.
flora and fauna