
Name and sort as many of the different Electromagnetic Waves from the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Use the attached image to point their position. Visible Light, UV Light, Infrared, Microwaves, XRays, Gamma Rays, Radio Waves, Microwaves.


Describe the meaning of Rennaissance. What happened during this period?

Renaissance means "rebirth". It was a period of a renewal or rebirth of interest in Greek and Roman arts and in education.


Defining relative clauses

Sheila, ______ father is a doctor, wants to become a nurse.

a) whose  b) that   c) who

a) whose



Liam had always dreamed of traveling the world. Last summer, he finally had the chance to visit Italy. He explored historic cities like Rome and Florence, marveled at famous artworks, and savored delicious Italian cuisine. Liam returned home with a camera full of memories and a desire to plan his next adventure

1. What's the closest meaning to marvel?

A. Miracle   B. Fantasy    C. Wonder

C. Wonder



What's the word for this type of house?

a) Flat  b) Terraced house  c) Cottage

c) Cottage


Select the case in which the right Magnetic Repulsion is depicted:

a) N - S

b) + : +

c) N - N

d) + : -

c) N - N


What is the difference between communism and capitalism?

In a communist system everything is shared and government property. In a capitalist system, there is free enterprise and private property.


Make a sentence using used to. Use the following sentence.

Last year, I rode my bicycle to school. Now, I don't ride my bicycle to school.

I used to ride my bicycle to school.


Reading comprehension

Liam had always dreamed of traveling the world. Last summer, he finally had the chance to visit Italy. He explored historic cities like Rome and Florence, marveled at famous artworks, and savored delicious Italian cuisine. Liam returned home with a camera full of memories and a desire to plan his next adventure.

2. What was Liam's dream?

A. To explore historic cities

B. To travel the world

C. To visit Italy and the rest of Europe

B. To travel the world


Phrasal verbs connected with sports

John decided to _____ a soccer team after watching a thrilling match. He's _____ .

a) go for / knocking it out

b) join in / getting into it

c) join in / giving it in

b) join in / getting into it.


The attached picture shows one phenomenon related Light. Name it and explain it

Light Refraction. The angle in which the light travels changes due to the medium it travels (solid). Students can provide answers like Diffraction or Reflection but these are partially happening.


Economic system where machines do work that was once performed by animals and humans.



Present perfect with adverbs (already, for, since, ever, never, just, yet)

No. Your cousin hasn't come to the party _______.




Emily was excited about her upcoming science project. She decided to study plant growth and set up an experiment in her room. She placed three pots on her windowsill, each with a different type of soil. Every morning, she watered them with the same amount of water. After two weeks, Emily measured the height of the plants and recorded her observations.

3. What's the closest meaning to windowsill?

A. Window ledge  B. Window glass  C. Window frame

A. Window ledge


Ways of cooking

What's the way of cooking that you see in the image?

baking / bake / baked


Use the attached picture of the Solar System Planets and answer the following.

1. Name those that you remember.

2. Pick those that are rocky and those that are gaseous.

3. Name the Largest.

4. Name the smallest.

Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Rocky: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Gaseous: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Largest: Jupiter

Smallest: Mercury


What event is considered to have started the first World War?

When the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife from Austria-Hungary where shot and killed in Sarajevo, Bosnia. 


Modal verbs for speculation in present

I’m sure that’s Katie.

That ______ be Katie.

That must be Katie.


Reading comprehension

Emily was excited about her upcoming science project. She decided to study plant growth and set up an experiment in her room. She placed three pots on her windowsill, each with a different type of soil. Every morning, she watered them with the same amount of water. After two weeks, Emily measured the height of the plants and recorded her observations.

4. What was Emily's science project about?

A. Studying the effects of sunlight on plant growth

B. Studying how different types of soil affect the growth of plants

C. Analyzing the impact of water on plant growth

B. Studying how different types of soil affect the growth of plants


Countries and Nations

These are some ___________ of the world.



A Car travels 140 km in 4 hours. What is the car speed? 

a) 140 km/h

b) 70 km/h

c) 35 km/h

d) 20 km/h

c) 35 km/h


What is the event that ended World War ll?

When U.S. president Harry S. Truman ordered to drop an atomic bomb in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Second Conditional (Imaginary situations) - Complete the sentence using the correct form.

If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.

If I were you, I would get a new job.



Emily was excited about her upcoming science project. She decided to study plant growth and set up an experiment in her room. She placed three pots on her windowsill, each with a different type of soil. Every morning, she watered them with the same amount of water. After two weeks, Emily measured the height of the plants and recorded her observations.

5. What did Emily do after two weeks?

A. Compare the growth of the plants

B. Analyze if the plants need more water

C. Observe which fertilizer was the best

A. Compare the growth of the plants


Phrasal verbs connected with travel

The planes ____________ on time.

a) got into

b) broke down

c) took off

c) took off