What is the name of our school
Elizabethtown Primary
What is your teacher's name
Ms. Harriger
Mrs Gavaghan
Stand quietly
Can we go to any zone?
No we need to stay with our class
What is the name of our Principal
Mrs. Smith
If you need to use the restroom what do you do?
Raise your hand
How many people can be at the milk box?
One at a time
Can I take a swing or toy from someone else?
No use your words and share
What is the name of our Assistant Principals
Mr. Dunham, Mrs. Matthis
If you want to share something in class what do you do?
Raise your hand to speak
What should we do the first ten minutes of lunch
Eat and not talk
How should I swing?
My bottom is in the seat. I do not twist the chains or jump out of the swing.
When walking in the hall, what should we do?
Walk on the dolphins, don't touch the wall and stay quiet
How should you treat your classmates?
With respect and kindness
We need to ask before getting up.
How should I go down on the slide?
On my bottom only. No climbing up the slide
What do we do during a fire drill?
What should you do after blowing your nose or using the restroom?
Wash your hands
Do we leave our trash on the table and floor.
What do I do if someone is hurt or fighting?
Get the teacher right away