Famous figures
Job titles
Education and Training
Workplace Skills

This entrepreneur is known for founding Amazon, the world's largest online retailer.

Who is Jeff Bezos?


This professional works with patients to improve their oral health and performs procedures such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions.

What is a dentist?


These standardized tests are often required for admission to undergraduate programs in the United States.

What are the SAT or ACT?


This skill involves effectively conveying ideas and information to others.

 What is communication skills?


This civil rights leader is famous for his role in the American civil rights movement, including his 'I Have a Dream' speech.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


This specialist assists individuals with legal matters, representing them in court and providing legal advice and guidance.

What is a lawyer or attorney?


This type of school is attended after high school and offers programs in various fields like nursing, business, and education.

What is a college or university?


Employers value candidates who can efficiently use their resources to complete tasks on schedule.

What is time management?


This author is best known for writing the 'Harry Potter' series, which became a global phenomenon.

Who is J.K. Rowling?


This professional designs and oversees the construction of buildings and structures, ensuring they meet safety and aesthetic standards.

What is an architect?


This type of program offers practical training and instruction in a specific trade, such as electrical work or automotive repair.

What is a vocational/technical/trade school?


Working together with others towards a shared objective is an essential aspect of this skill.

What is teamwork?


This pioneering aviator became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is Amelia Earhart?


This professional designs and constructs roads, bridges, buildings, and other structures, ensuring they meet safety and regulatory standards.

What is a civil engineer?


This standardized test is commonly required for admission to graduate programs in the United States.

 What is the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)?


This skill involves the capacity to adjust one's approach and perspective in response to changing circumstances or requirements.

 What is flexibility/adaptability?


This historical figure was an ancient Greek philosopher and the teacher of Alexander the Great. He is considered one of the most important figures in the development of Western philosophy and is known for his method of questioning and critical thinking.

Who is Socrates?


This job title refers to a professional who analyzes financial data, assesses risks, and designs insurance policies to manage financial uncertainties for individuals and organizations.

What is an actuary?


To pursue a career in software engineering, proficiency in this programming language is often essential

 What is Python?


This skill requires individuals to approach challenges creatively and analyze situations from multiple perspectives.

What are critical thinking skills?