I have feathers and a beak.
What is a bird?
I am an eagle. I have sharp ___________ to catch my prey with.
What are claws?
This habitat has many plants and trees and is home to many animals like eagles, squirrels, and foxes.
What is a forest?
All living things go through birth and stages of growing. These stages are called _______________.
What are life cycles?
Animals produce __________, which plants need to make food.
What is carbon dioxide?
I have dry, scaly skin and lay eggs.
What is a reptile?
I am a monkey with a long _______. I can use it to hang from trees and move from limb to limb.
What is a tail?
This habitat gets very little rain and the soil is sandy and rocky. There are also extreme changes in temperature.
What is a desert?
There are 2 ways an animal can be born. They are _____________ and _______________.
What is they can be born from a mother or hatch from an egg?
Plants produce ______________, which animals need to breathe.
What is oxygen?
I have hair or fur and give live birth.
What is a mammal?
I am a bat, a flying mammal. I have special hearing called ____________.
What is echolocation?
What is salt water?
Some animals, like the butterfly and frog, go through a complete change, called _______________.
What is metamorphosis?
Bears can ____________ when it gets too cold and food becomes scarce.
What is migrate?
I have 6 legs and 3 body parts. I lay eggs.
What is an insect?
Let’s see if you can guess this animal that has special teeth. It is a meat eater (carnivore), but it prefers to eat what's swimming nearby. It has a big mouth and takes big bites. It’s teeth are very sharp and they grow in rows. Like a conveyor belt, the rows keep moving forward so as older teeth fall out they're replaced by newer ones.
What is a shark?
This habitat has very cold temperatures, snow, and long winters.
What are polar lands?
Name the 4 stages of the frog life cycle.
What is egg, tadpole, froglet, frog?
What are the 3 body parts of an insect called?
What are head, thorax, abdomen?
I am born with gills and live in water, then I become an adult on land with lungs. I lay eggs.
What is an amphibian?
Deer have very large _______.They help the deer to hear and run away from predators.
What are ears?
This area, like swamps, has shallow water and wet soil.
What are wetlands?
Name the 4 stages of the butterfly life cycle.
What is the egg, larvae, chrysalis, adult?
Animals cannot ____________ without plants.
What is survive?