Muslims transported about ______ million African Slaves from 650 - 1600
What is Germany?
What is Japan?
This line divided Spain and Portugal's claims.
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?
Portugal led the way in sailing ____________.
What are innovations?
Transported Africans were apart of this popular trade route
Phillip II religious beliefs revolved around the ____________ church and he did not trust people for long.
What is Catholic?
Japan wanted to continue to develop as a _____________ country.
What is "self-sufficient"?
By 1400's a desire for __________ along with advanced sailing techniques sparked exploration
What is Wealth/Money?
Portugal was the first country to establish ____________ outposts on the west coast of Africa?
What is Trading?
Slaves were ____________ off to various owners when they arrived to America.
What is auctioned?
What is Inflation?
When Japan's borders were sealed, this excluded these two groups of people.
What are merchants and missionaries?
Europeans wanted to convert non-Christians throughout the world, therefore they used this particular religion to do so.
What is Christianity?
What is Christianity?
This particular position was how individuals had to lay down on the ship.
What is the "Coffin" position?
Spain expelled the Moors and _________ who were valuable artisans and business people.
What are Jews?
The Closed Country Policy lasted for more than ____________ years.
These particular sails were stronger against the wind.
What are Triangular Sails?
__________ was the most enthusiastic explorer for Portugal.
Who is Prince Henry?
These two products on plantations required a lot of labor.
What is Sugar and Tobacco?
To pay for wars, Spanish kings borrowed from German and _____________ bankers.
What are Italian?
During the Closed Country Policy, only Port of Nagasaki remained open for these two groups.
What are the Dutch and Chinese Traders?
The Sextant was an instrument used to determine ______________ and _____________.
What is Latitude and Longitude?
Trading outposts were important for countries and were established on this particular coast of Africa.
What is West Coast?