How many nations there are in Latin America?
There are 33 nations.
He was the head of the government. He belonged to the Peninsulares.
What revolution inspired LA to fight for their freedom and rights.
The French Revolution.
What is the capital of Colombia?
What is the capital of Costa Rica, the name of its President, and the currency?
San José, Rodrigo Chavez Robles, el colón.
Where are most of the nations of Latin America located?
Most are located in Central America, South America, and Mexico.
During what centuries, do Spanish & Portuguese conquistadores came to LA?
During the 16th & 17th centuries.
Describe in three words Simón Bolívar
A. Handsome, smart, & short
B. Rebelious, undisciplined, & very active
C. Noble, smart, & calm
In what year Panama got his independence?
In 1.910
What is the capital of the Peru?
Answer TRUE or FLASE.
Most of the nations in Latin America are islands.
Answer TRUE or FALSE.
In LA, people mostly speak English, French, & Spanish.
Who inspired Simón Bolivar?
A. George Washington
B. Fidel Castro
C. Napoleón Bonaparte
What is the capital of Venezuela?
Name four things Colombia exports to other countries?
The Island of Hispaniola in St. Domingue is now called:
A. Suriname & Guyana
B. Haiti & Dominican Republic
C. Dominican Republic & Cuba
Simón Bolivar was known as :
A. "The Libertador"
B. "The Conqueror"
C. The Latin America Kennedy
Which was the the first Latin American country to establish a stable government?
Automobiles & cars
Electronic equipment
Manufactured goods
Yes or No:
MULATOS were mixed European & African people, while MESTIZOS were mixed European & native Indian people.
What or who are the "Peninsulares"?
They were the top of the class system. They were born in Spain & Portugal, they were the ruling class, they were very wealthy.
Describe the four class systems
Peninsulares, creoles, mulatos & mestizos, and the Native Americans & African slaves.
Which is the largest nation in Latin America?
Who led the liberation of Argentina in 1810?
A. Simón Bolivar
B. José de San Martin
C. Napoleón Bonaparte
Which US president was instrumental in the construction of the Panamá Canal?
Theodore Roosevelt