I'm in charge of the campus Library and movie room.
Mr. Owens
I'm the keeper of all your unwanted or can't have items.
what is the Storage room.
Sitting quietly at the back table.
What is table time.
My face is on display for everyone to see.
Mural of Ms. Lisa.
You can request to participate in sports at this phase.
What phase 3.
I help keep up with your appointments.
I'm Christi
When you leave here you leave with knowledge you didn't know before. Where am I?
What is the classroom/school.
You get me when you forget to sign in and out of the bathroom and step up to the staff's desk without permission. What Intervention am I?
1hr TT
I may be a little vicious in the wild but here at Oaklawn I just watch you walk pass me without a sound or movement.
The Coyotes.
You are able to purchase your own hygiene products at this phase.
What is phase 5.
I'm located in building 5, and you may need my signature for your phase 2 advancements.
Who Is Shamekka!
You run, bounce, play and lift things in me. Where am I?
I'm the Gym.
You laugh while pushing and leaning on your peer. What am I, and what intervention is given because of me?
What is Horseplaying and 8hrs.
You may not think I'm a sight for beauty, but you see me often when you are strolling along the stretch of metal that is in the middle of me. What am I?
What Is the Ravene.
You request to the vending machine at this phase.
What is phase 4.
We are responsible for the overall operation and the functioning of campus life after 5pm and weekends.
Campus Charge
I am here for you to gather with your team where you speak on your achievements as well as your barriers. Where am I located?
Fraiser Room/ Treatment team room.
It helps keep you safe when you decide to explore the neighborhood without permission. What Intervention am I?
What are Elopement Precautions?
This big part of land may be used for activities and sports. Where am I?
What is the big field.
You can use a radio and headphones on this phase.
What is phase 1.
I can make a difference in how you feel and your interactions with others. Who am I?
A Therapist.
If you eat too many sweets and you need to keep up with oral hygiene so u come and see me. Who am I, and where am I located?
What is Mobile dentist in cottonwood room.
Refusing to get up out of bed to start your day after several prompts to. What intervention will you receive?
4hrs Lops.
I'm used to protect you from the sun while you feel the breeze and enjoy the scenery.
What is the Gazebos.
You can have game time at what phase?
What is phase 2.