True or False: The Judicial branch is where the Supreme Court is located
what is a bicameral legislature? What are the groups called in our bicameral legislature?
Two houses in Congress
Senate (100 representatives)
House of representatives (435 reps)
Who is in the Executive Branch?
President, vp, cabinet, executive agencies
How did you stimulate yourself this weekend?
I had homework😩
This clause states that the federal government wins in any dispute between local and state governments
Supremacy clause
The judicial Brach “____ laws“
Interprets laws
How does the legislative branch check the executive branch?
Override a presidential veto
Who is the head of the Snow Hill executive branch? What about the Maryland executive branch?
Mayor and governor
Explain what a federalist system of government is
3 levels, local, state, federal
This power means the federal government has it and it is NOT listed in the Constitution
Implied powers
True or false: There is a judicial branch in all 3 levels of our federalist system
How does the legislative branch check the judicial branch?
Impeach judges
How does the Executive branch check the judicial branch?
Appoint judges
Favorite part about school?
Learning duhhh
What do you want to be when you grow up
A Teacher
What is judicial review and why is it important
Judicial review is when an act is declared unconstitutional
In order for a bill to become a law, what must happen?
Pass through both houses of Congress and signed by the President
How does the executive branch check the legislative branch?
Presidential veto
What document acts as a rule book for out government? What are the first 10 amendments called
Constitution and Bill of Rights
List the 4 purposes of government
Maintain social order, provide public services, make economic decisions, national security
How does the Judicial branch check the legislative and judicial branch?
Judicial review
How many votes does it take to override a presidential veto?
2/3 of both houses
How do the other two branches check the executive?
Legislative checks by overriding a presidential veto
Judicial checks by having judicial review
Favorite movie or tv show
Breaking bad duh
Favorite class besides government
U.S. History