Our chapter number
What is 396?
NTO stands for
What is North Texas Oklahoma?
The year BBG was found
What is 1944
MIT stands for
What is Member In Training
The first event of the semester
What is Kickoff?
Our chapter colors are
What is blue and black?
What is 74?
BBG founder day is celebrated on this day
What is April 22?
BBG stands for
What is B'nai Brith Girls?
A 5 day long experience where teens from around the world get to meet and learn about leadership
What is International Convention?
Our mascot
What is Raggedy Anne?
Our region's colors
What are maroon and grey?
Who is Anita Perlmen
AZA stands for
What is the Aleph Zadik Aleph?
A weekend in the spring where the region comes together
What is Ruach Convention?
The person our chapter is named after
Who is Fannie Sablosky?
Our region's mascot
What is a Penguin?
The city BBG was founded in
Where is San Francisco?
AIT stands for
What is a Aleph in Training?
A 12 day summer experience where teens learn about leadership
What is Chapter Leadership Training Conference (CLTC)?
Our amazing beau
Who is Alex Beau?
Cities NTO is in
What are Dallas, Tulsa, OKC, Southlake, and Ft Worth?
BBG official color
What is red?
AMPIN stands for
What is Anita M. Pearlmen International N'siah?
A three week long summer program where teens can develop their Jewish Identity
What is International Kallah?