
What is my favorite holiday and why?

Christmas because I get to see my family and eat desserts.


Who is my favorite extended family member?

My aunt kati?


What is a place I want to visit?

Yellowstone ranch


What is a friendship that has had a significant impact on my life? I will ask for a expiation.  

Laura or Tori Lee. 


What is a quality that I admire in others? 

The ability to listen well


What is my favorite board game?



When I was a kid what did I want to be when I grew up?

A teacher 


What is a movie I can watch over and over? 

McFarland or Captain America winter solider


What is my favorite way to spend quality time? 

Talking about life and not looking at our phones. Being in the moment and loving people. 


What is a gesture that makes me feel loved and appreciated?

I love when I get to be held by you. It can being hugging or me laying on your chest and you hold me. 

In the car I love when you grab my leg to let me know that you think about me. 


What is my favorite outfit that you wear? 

Jeans, sweatshirt, flannel over the top, with air forces or the uggs 

If I could change one thing about how I was raised what would it be?

I would change the way my family talks to each other. I don't like how we speak to our parents. I want to have a better relationship with my kids. They will love and respect us. I would also change the time we spent together. I want to have initial time together.


If I had one day to live, how would I spend it? 

I would spend it with my family and you. I would play games, take my siblings out to places and let them know that I love them. I would take you out to dinner and eat all the ice cream I can. 


What is a personal regret I've struggled to let go of? 

Bulter and Bowling Green games. Not being around my family in high school. Me thinking my friends were more important. 


What's my biggest fear?

My biggest fear is feet. In serious though it would be letting my family down. I fear not being perfect all the time. 

What is my favorite drink?

Sherly temple


What is something I want to learn how to do?

Ride a horse


What is my favorite place I have ever traveled to?

Tennessee lakehouse 


If I could change my name to any name what would it be? 


What is a personal tradition that I cherish and want us to continue? 

My family goes to Christmas eve mass dressed all fancy. Then we come back, eat dinner and open new pjs as a family. Then we watch a Christmas movie. 


What is my favorite music artist?

Russell Dickerson


If I could live in any time period what would it be?

I would want to be living in 1950


What is the most expensive thing that I own?

My cleats 


How can we grow as a couple? 

I think we can work on not bringing our problems of the day to each other. We start off anger at the day and then one thing gets us mad so we feel more anger towards the other person.


What are my dreams for our future?

I want to have a house that we live in with our 4 kids. You have a job you enjoy and I work for a school system. We make family important. I want a game night each week with our kids. We have a date night every 2 weeks and a get away weekend every 2 months. I want to fall asleep in your arms every night as you hold me.