Advocacy in Research
Baby Researchers
Supervisor Relationships
Inclusivity in Research
Voices in Research

This type of research advocacy involves ensuring that research subjects are protected and treated ethically throughout a study.

What is participant advocacy?


What do you call it when you have a fear of being exposed to being a fraud?

What is imposter syndrome? 


This regular meeting between a supervisor and their supervisee is essential for discussing progress, challenges, and future plans.

What is a supervision meeting or check-in?


This term refers to the practice of including diverse populations in research studies to ensure findings are applicable to all segments of society.

What is representative sampling?


This term describes the intentional exclusion of marginalized groups from research studies, leading to gaps in knowledge and biased outcomes.

What is exclusion bias?


These individuals or groups work to influence government policies and funding decisions to support scientific research.

Who are research advocates or lobbyists?


This term refers to the process by which new scientists or researchers learn the essential skills and methods of their field.

What is training or mentorship?


Effective supervisors provide this type of support, which includes guidance, resources, and constructive feedback.

What is mentorship or coaching?


This type of bias occurs when certain groups are systematically excluded from research, leading to incomplete or inaccurate results.

What is selection bias?


This ethical approach requires researchers to consider the potential impact of their work on marginalized communities and to strive for social justice.

What is research ethics or social justice research?


This document, often used in research advocacy, outlines the potential benefits and impacts of research to garner support and funding.

What is a research proposal or impact statement?


In academia, this document is often the first major research project completed by a new researcher during their graduate studies.

What is a thesis or dissertation?


This document, often created early in the supervisory relationship, outlines the roles, expectations, and goals for both parties.

What is a supervision agreement or plan?


Researchers use this approach to actively engage underrepresented communities in the research process, ensuring their perspectives are included.

What is community-based participatory research (CBPR)?


This framework seeks to understand how multiple social identities, such as race, gender, and class, intersect to shape individuals' experiences, especially in marginalized groups.

What is intersectionality?


This form of advocacy focuses on involving patients and the public in the research process to ensure that studies address their needs and concerns.

What is patient and public involvement (PPI) or community-based participatory research (CBPR)?


This type of program offers new researchers the opportunity to gain practical experience and training in their field after completing their degree.

What is a postdoctoral fellowship?


This term describes the open, honest, and respectful exchange of ideas and concerns between a supervisor and their supervisee.

What is effective communication?


This practice involves designing studies that are accessible to participants with disabilities, ensuring they can contribute to and benefit from research.

What is inclusive research design?


This practice involves sharing research findings with participants and their communities in an accessible and meaningful way.

What is knowledge dissemination or research translation?


This advocacy strategy involves educating the public about the importance of research and its contributions to society.

What is public outreach or science communication?


This common source of funding supports new researchers as they begin their independent research careers.

What is an early-career grant or junior researcher grant?


This type of conflict resolution strategy is crucial when disagreements arise between a supervisor and their supervisee.

What is mediation or conflict resolution?


This process involves ensuring that research materials are available in multiple languages to accommodate participants who are not fluent in the primary language of the study.

What is translation or linguistic inclusivity?


This term describes research that challenges power imbalances and strives to make the research process equitable for marginalized participants.

What is emancipatory research?