The exchange of robes is the exchange of what?
Finish the saying, "Being jealous is like drinking....
...the poison and hoping the other person dies
The number of years the Hebrews were in exile
70 years
Where Jesus was at when He said "I Am the Light of the World"
The Temple
The meaning of the holes in the piece of wood
The wounds or scars left behind from harmful words or actions
Who initiated the covenant agreement between Jonathan and David and why?
Jonathan. He respected David's heart for the Lord.
How do you get over a grudge?
Forgive and let it go
What did Daniel and his friends resolve to do as soon as they arrived in Babylon? And why?
They would not eat the King's feast? Blessed by pagan god
What part of the sheepfold does Jesus say He is in our lives?
The Door
Who are people you need in your life to help you in your walk with the Lord and what is their worldview?
Chair people - Biblical Worldview
What does the exchange of weapons mean?
My enemies are your enemies; your enemies are my enemies
What is the one emotion that everyone experiences?
Why was Daniel thrown into the lion's den?
He wouldn't honor the decree to pray to no one but the king
What is the I AM statement that has to do with Jesus miraculously coming back to life? (7 words)
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
What has God given you specifically for your future husband or wife?
Wrapped package of sexual purity
What do they say as they walk through the sacrifical animal pieces?
"May it be done to me as has been done to this animal if I don't keep the covenant."
What are the five levels of Anger that escalate quickly?
Irritation, Indignation, Wrath, Fury, Rage
Who was the king that made the edict that got Daniel thrown in the lion's den?
King Darius the Mede
What I AM statement is in the Lord's Prayer?
I AM the Bread of Life
What is the message behind the GOD BOX?
Don't limit God to what you have put in the box of your knowledge
What does the exchange of a piece of cake and the drinking of the cup between the bride and groom at the covenant wedding reception mean? What ceremony in the church does it represent?
The cake - you are taking my body into yours to serve you
The cup - you are taking my blood into you, my life
The Lord's Supper/Communion
Why did Babylon travel 1000 miles to conquer Israel?
They had heard about the treasures in the Temple the Hebrew king Hezekiah had shown them 100 years earlier