Taking care of our personal hygiene is part of our physical health. What are 3 areas of hygiene we focus on?
Brush teeth, shower, brush hair, clean clothes, wash hands...
List 2 unhealthy ways people may use to deal with stress.
Drugs alcohol bed rot over eat undereat
What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan Act?
To encourage bystanders to help victims without the fear of being sued
What does CPR stand for, and what does each word mean?
Cardio = Heart
Pulmonary = Lungs
Resuscitate = Bring Back
When you eat foods that contain a lot of calories but very few nutrients we say you are eating ____
Empty calories
What is included in our social health?
Relationships, communicating, problem solving
List 3 healthy ways to help deal with your stress.
Listen to Music, exercise, talk it out, draw, read
If someone is in shock, do this
Elevate their legs above their head and heart to get blood to vital organs
A in ABC stands for this
How do you check this?
Airway, tilt chin up to see if there is anything blocking
the main source of energy for the body
Provide 3 foods high in this
What is included in our physical health? (3 things)
Fitness, weight management
Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs
List 3 common stressors you or other 8th graders may experience.
Schoolwork, sports, friendships, future, appearance
When should you stop giving CPR? 3 reasons.
911 has arrived, they are showing signs of life, AED is ready
B in ABC stands for this:
How do you check this?
Breathing:Feel and listen for a breathe, look for chest rising
Used to build body tissues such as bone, muscle, and blood
Provide 3 foods high in this
Why is it important to maintain balance in all areas of the health triangle?
They are all connected and impact each other. As one side improves, as will the others. As one side goes down, as will the others.
This stress is negative; it causes anxiety and decreases performance:
An example of when you might feel this is:
Distress; Before a test you didn't study for
Having automatic permission to help someone is called what? In what situations do you have this automatic permission? List 3.
1- The victim is unconscious
2- The victim is unable to mentally make proper decisions
3- The victim is a minor, and the parents are not around
4- The victim is intoxicated
5- The victim is a minor and the parent wants you to help
C in ABC stands for:
How do you check for this?
Check for pulse in neck or wrist
needed in small amounts for insulation from cold, cushioning, and nerves, also used for stored energy
Provide 3 foods high in this
What is included in our mental health?
Stress management
Feelings and how you deal with them
Knowledge, learning
Attitude and personality
Decision making
Goal setting
Mental illnesses or disorders
This stress is positive; it motivates and focuses energy, helping to improve performance:
When might you feel this stress?
Eustress; before game or competition, before vacation
If an adult is choking, use this:
When doing this, use this motion: ___ & ___.
If a baby is choking, do this
Heimlich Manuever, In and up
5 back blows, 5 chest compressions
Describe how your fingers, arms, chest should be when giving CPR and where on your hand you use.
Fingers: Interlocked
Arms: Straight w elbows locked
Chest: Over victim's chest
Hand: Use heal of palm
What are the 6 nutrients we get from nutrition?
Carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, water