Unit 1: The West
Unit 2: WWI
Unit 3: Great Depression
Unit 3: WW2
Unit 4: Civil Rights
Unit 5: Cold War

Name 2 States in the West

California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado 


Who was the allied forces ( US, France, Russia) fighting in WWI?



What was the dust bowl?

during the 1920s there was a considerable drought, this caused all the plants/dirt in the great plains to dry up.. when the wind blew it quite literally threw dust around


Why did the US join the war?

After Japan dropped the bomb on Pearl Harbor, they felt it was necessary 

Name the protest where black students occupied a lunch counter in the south

Nashville Sit-Ins


what is a cold war?

a war w no "fire" or no action


What was the transcontinental railroad?

a railroad that went all across the US, the first of its kind


What is the great migration?

the great migration is when many southern African Americans moved north seeking factory jobs and freedom from the south's cruelty


Whats was "Hooverville"?

land where the exceptionally needy could set up a tent or build small shacks.. this was president Hoover's solution to homelessness


What was the US foreign policy BEFORE joining the war?

isolationism: not involving themselves in other countries business

What is the name of the Civil rights leader who led the March to Selma?

MLK & John Lewis


What countries were involved in the Cold War?

US & USSR (double points if CUBA is included)

What is manifest destiny? 

the belief that it was anglo-saxon (white) europeans RIGHT FROM GOD to expand their territories 


What is a flapper?

a "loose woman" or a woman who started wearing shorter dresses/skirts, went out dancing, smoking cigarettes, etc

What caused the great depression?

banks failing, stock market crash, dust bowl, credit


Who were the axis & the allied powers in WWII?

Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy 

Allies: UK (england), USA, USSR 


Name the protest when black and white students tested the new federal legislation about public transport, saying that they cannot segregate transport in any state?

Freedom Rides


What were the two different economic systems being compared? 

capitalism & communism


What was the purpose of the Carlisle School? (Hint: has to do w native populations)

to indoctrinate native children and make them "more civilized" but really to white wash them 


What was the Harlem Renaissance?

a time when black culture thrived in Harlem NY, think of music, art, dance, writing, etc


WHO created the New Deal (a financial plan to get the US out of the depression)?

FDR! Franklin Delano Roosevelt


What was it called when the US locked up Japanese Americans during WWII?

Japanese Internment Camps


What was different about Malcom X beliefs that conflicted w MLK's?

Malcom X believed in freedom by whatever means necessary, he was not hung up on peaceful protests


Why were Americans so afraid of communism spreading?

there was concern about losing capitalistic values, they did not want to lose the freedom/choice of capitalism 


Why were people motivated to move West?

the gov was offering land for free, there was lots of natural resources there inc. timber & gold, they advertised the west as a happy/exciting place


What did WWI do for African Americans?

allowed more people to get jobs, get more respect from military men, made them feel more American (belonging)


What were the 3 R's of the New Deal?

relief, recovery, reform


Who built the atomic bomb for the US?

Robert J Oppenheimer


Name as many Civil rights movement strategies as you can remember, team with the most gets the points.

peaceful protests, marches, sit-ins, rallies, Civil disobedience, sticking w their community, writing to government officials, getting media attention

Why were some European countries vulnerable to the spread of communism in the late 40s/50s?

post WWII many countries has been bombed, invaded, or economically destroyed. they needed money and were willing to take support from either the US or the USSR