Chicken Quesadillas
Kindness First

Item you should wear under your skirt each day (and the what color)

black or navy blue


When is flex time?

It's from from 8:00- 8:25am each day


What item is not allowed in the lunchroom?


Remember if you have art/music/theater you should bring your backpack to your locker.  A good rule of thumb is not to bring your backpack to those classes if they meet right before lunch.


This is where you go if you arrive after 8:35am

Ms. Stefania's desk to sign in and turn your phone in.


A new students drops their food on the floor in the cafeteria, and your friend laughs at them.

Help the student pick up their food. Tell the laughing student that it is not nice to laugh.  


The one type of sweatshirt from Tigers Den you can't wear

Tye Dye


What options do I have at Flex Time

I can go to the athletic center, get breakfast there.  Go play in the Dubois Gym, Go to quiet Study, meet with a teacher, go to a club if they are meeting, participate in Nightengales, go to the learning center.

How do we walk to the lunch room?

Outside the entrance to Stuart Hall through the courtyard.

We do not walk through the US hallway to get to the lunchroom unless there is bad weather.


This many tardies lead to a warning



You notice someone post something unkind about another friend in your class, she quickly says Just Kidding. How do you think the friend feels?  What could you do to make the situation better while making everyone understand and be kind?

When someone posts something unkind about another friend and then quickly says "Just kidding," it can still hurt the person being talked about. The friend might feel embarrassed, sad, or even confused about whether others see them in a negative light. Even if it was meant as a joke, those feelings are real and can affect their sense of belonging and confidence in the group.

To make the situation better, you could gently step in and say something like, "Hey, I know it was meant as a joke, but it’s important that we all feel safe and respected here. Maybe we could focus on positive things instead?" 


Each day you will turn your cellphone/smart watch in at what time.

Upon entering the middle school hallways


When do I turn in my phone?

When you arrive in the middle school hallways

Name two things that are different about lunch this year?

Time:  1:15 - 1:45

All four grades are having lunch together.


if you receive a tardy warning what should you do first

go through the dates with your advisor to ensure if they are correct or not.

(Sometimes - if a teacher changes a tardy after the fact, you could receive a warning before it changes so it is important for you to check it)


What is Goal IV and what does it mean?

Building community as a Christian Value.


What time is cellphone free for MS students on campus?

8:00am - 3:25 pm

unless you are in sports - which is 8:00 - after sports


What are the rules about lockers?

I am not allowed in a locker other than my own.


Where do we enter the lunch line to get our food

We enter on the side by the front entrance to Hayes Hall.  We do not cut in line by walking through near the drink station.


The name of the form you should fill our if you know you will be away from school in advanced

Planned Absence form.  You can get this from your advisor and they are on the classroom google page.

Rule of thumb:  if you know you will be out, take responsibility for your learning, get the form and walk it around to your teachers to get your missing work!


Fill in the blank.  In a world where you can be anything, ____ ______



What type of leggings are allowed in the Middle School

Black, navy leggings - no flared leggings.


Who is the President of Student Council this year?



What is a lunch leader

Lunch Leaders are responsible for ensuring their groups table is clean and ready.  We leave our spaces a little better than when we got there.

If you are tardy 5 times, what can you expect

This would result in a reflection and detention with the dean of students!

Rule of Thumb:  Get to class on time


What did Mr. Baber say was our Theme this year?

Courage and Confidence