4 Skills
4 Steps
9th Grade Registration 2025-26

What is an example(s) of an Academic Skill?

Graphic Design Skills

Presentation Skills

Coping with Stress

Time Management

Presentation Skills & Time Management!


1. In your own words, what does it mean to be self-aware? 

2. And why is self-awareness important when deciding what we like or what we want to do when we grow up?

To know yourself and learn what you like, don't like. What you are good at or love doing. 

As an adult there may be jobs that we are good at AND that we love doing. If we can combine passion with skill, that is a great option.

Once you are in 9th grade, you are officially a high school student earning high school credit towards high school graduation.




What is an example(s) of a Life Skill?

Open to supervisor's feedback

Making an app


Research skills



1. From the video - When considering which college or technical school to go to, is it recommended to choose a career path 1st? Or choose your college/technical school 1st?

2. In reality is there a right or wrong way to explore careers? 

The video recommends to choose your career interest first and find a school that offers good opportunities to explore that.

No, in reality there is not a right or wrong way to explore career options. 


How many credits have I been earning during my 7th and 8th grade year? 

a. 13.7

b. 16

c. 25

d. 15.5

15.5 credits! At the end of 8th grade we will celebrate all 8th graders for your efforts to earn as many required "middle school" credits as possible. These past 2 years have been practice years in preparation to earn "high school" credit next year. 


What is an example(s) of Technical skills?


Computer programming



Welding & Computer programming!


Why is it important to consider technical careers and technical skills as I decide on what career paths I am interested in? 

(hint: something to do with pay, degrees earned, etc.)

"The claim that you will make more money with an increased amount of education is not necessarily inaccurate, it is just incomplete."

Example: Electricians can make as much or more than someone in another field who went to college for more years/education.


How many credits will I be working towards between 9th-12th grade? 

a. 27

b. 37

c. 28

d. 24

28.0 credits! This means each year, starting next year, you will need to earn 7 credits (if you have seminary) and 8 credits if you don't have seminary. 


What is an example(s) of an Employability skill?

Doing my own laundry

Navigating Canvas

Clear communication

Being on time

Clear communication & Being on time!

How can you explore careers now at a young age? List 1-3 ideas.

Research online

Call or meet with someone who is currently working in that field right now and ask them questions

Talk to your counselor or high school counselor

Take surveys online


For 9th grade registration, do 9th graders sign up for classes the same way that 10th-12th graders do? (Arena - the Hunger Games of Scheduling).

Or do 9th graders sign up the same way as they have in 7th-8th grade?

9th graders sign up for their preferences on Skyward and via paper form the same way as they did in 7th/8th grade. 

In 10th grade you will sign up like the older kids do with Arena scheduling, adding classes in on your own.