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Current Events

This was the first president the United States had under the Constitution.

Who is George Washington?


Britain and Spain tried to get this group to stir up trouble, and destroy American settlements in the Northwest territory.

Who are the Native Americans, Maimi, and Shawnee.


George Washington warned that these were the most dangerous, and divisive things for a good government.

What are political parties?


a group of advisers to a president.

What is a cabinet.


The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that if passed by congress would force this company to be sold to an American one, or be banned.

What is Tik Tok?

Washington set a standard or an example of how to handle the office of president. This is another word for that.

What is precedent?


seizing people against their will and forcing them to serve in the military or other public service.

What is impressment?


This disagreement between the United States and France involved three French agents asking for bribes and payment for France in order to ease tensions between the two, instead it infuriated John Adams and he told Congress to prepare for war.

What is the XYZ affair?

firmly favoring one party or faction

What is partisan?


President Biden gave one of the biggest speeches of his career two weeks ago, this is what it is called.

What is the State of the Union


This was one of the brightest financial minds of the time and Washington's first pick as Secretary of Treasury. 

Who is Alexander Hamilton?

This was George Washington's stance on foreign policy.

What is to stay nuetral?


This person was the leader of the Democratic-Republicans.

Who is Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison?


to legally overturn.

What is nullify?


The United States recently dropped 33,000 ready to eat meals for starving refugees here.

What is Gaza?


These are certificates given out to those who loaned the US money during the Revolutionary War.

What are bond's?


A new rebellion was brewing after the United States started taxing this product.

What is whiskey?


John Adams passes this law after the XYZ affair that  allows him to detain, deport, or even imprison aliens.

What is the the Alien and Sedition Acts?


a person living in a country who is not a citizen of that country.

What is an alien?


This country is currently going through what some call a civil war, a caribbean country on an island that currently has no formal government.

What is Hait?


These were used to encourage people to buy products made in the US by making imports more expensive.

What are tarriffs?


This country captured American ships and forced the sailors to join their ranks.

Who is Great Britain.


These were the first two political parties of the United States Constitutional era.

What are the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.


activities aimed at weakening the established government by inciting resistance or rebellion to authority.

What is sedition


This species was believed to be extinct in the Atlantic Ocean but researchers recently confirmed a sighting outside of New England.

What is the Grey Whale?