Exploration Round 1
Exploration Round 2
Exploration Round 3
Colonization Round 1
Colonization Round 2
Colonization Round 3

What were the three primary reasons for European exploration and colonization in North America?

   a) Freedom, power, and wealth

   b) Gold, glory, and God

   c) Adventure, trade, and knowledge

   d) Fame, fortune, and friendship

b) Gold, glory, and God


What was the main motive for French exploration and colonization in North America?

   a) Spreading Christianity

   b) Seeking gold and riches

   c) Establishing political power

   d) Engaging in the fur trade

d) Engaging in the fur trade


Why did Catholics immigrate to the Maryland colony in the 17th century?

    a) To escape persecution

    b) To seek economic opportunities

    c) To establish political power

    d) To engage in the fur trade

a) To escape persecution


What was the main reason for the growth of the transatlantic slave trade in the colonies?

    a) The need for labor on plantations

    b) The desire for cultural diversity

    c) The demand for skilled workers

    d) The need for soldiers in the colonies

a) The need for labor on plantations


Which colony allowed for religious toleration and accepted different religions?

   a) New Hampshire

   b) Massachusetts

   c) Rhode Island

   d) Connecticut

c) Rhode Island


What was the purpose of the House of Burgesses in Virginia?

    a) To make laws for the colony

    b) To elect the governor

    c) To represent the king of England

    d) To enforce trade regulations

a) To make laws for the colony


Which European country colonized the West Indies and established the first settlements in the New World?

   a) Spain

   b) France

   c) Britain

   d) Portugal

a) Spain


Which region of the 13 colonies was mostly founded for religious reasons?

   a) New England colonies

   b) Middle Colonies

   c) Southern Colonies

   d) None of the above

a) New England colonies


Which European country established the first English colony in North America?

    a) Spain

    b) France

    c) Britain

    d) Portugal

c) Britain


Which colony was the first to be established for religious reasons?

   a) New Hampshire

   b) Massachusetts

   c) Connecticut

   d) Rhode Island

 b) Massachusetts


Which colony expanded suffrage beyond church members?

   a) New Hampshire

   b) Massachusetts

   c) Rhode Island

   d) Connecticut

d) Connecticut


What was the triangular trade?

    a) Trade between the colonies, Europe, and Africa

    b) Trade between the colonies, Europe, and the West Indies

    c) Trade between the colonies, Africa, and the West Indies

c) Trade between the colonies, Africa, and the West Indies


What was Christopher Columbus commissioned by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to find?

   a) A shorter route to India

   b) Gold and precious stones

   c) New trade routes to China

   d) The Fountain of Youth

 a) A shorter route to India


Why did some colonists leave England to settle in the Americas?

   a) To escape persecution and seek religious freedom

   b) To find gold and become wealthy

   c) To establish political power

   d) To explore new lands and expand their empire

a) To escape persecution and seek religious freedom


Which region of the 13 colonies was known for its tobacco plantations?

    a) New England colonies

    b) Middle Colonies

    c) Southern colonies

    d) All of the above

c) Southern colonies


What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts?

   a) Mayflower

   b) Santa Maria

   c) Niña

   d) Pinta

a) Mayflower


Which region of the colonies had a climate characterized by cold winters and a short growing season?

   a) New England colonies

   b) Middle Colonies

   c) Southern colonies

  a) New England colonies


What was the main cash crop of the southern colonies?

    a) Tobacco

    b) Grains

    c) Fishing

    d) Wheat

 a) Tobacco


Which European country came to North America primarily for the fur trade?

   a) Spain

   b) France

   c) Britain

   d) Portugal

 b) France


Which European country colonized present-day Florida, Texas, Mexico, and California?

    a) Spain

    b) France

    c) Britain

    d) Portugal

a) Spain


Which European country established the colony of Georgia for imprisoned debtors and convicts?

    a) Spain

    b) France

    c) Britain

    d) Portugal

c) Britain


What was the name of the self-governing document created by the Pilgrims in Plymouth?

   a) Mayflower Compact

   b) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

   c) House of Burgesses

   d) Magna Carta

a) Mayflower Compact


What were the main economic activities of the New England colonies?

   a) Fishing and shipbuilding

   b) Agriculture and farming

   c) Plantation agriculture and slave labor

a) Fishing and shipbuilding


Which colony was founded as a safe haven for Catholics?

    a) New York

    b) Pennsylvania

    c) Maryland

    d) Virginia

c) Maryland


What did the Columbian Exchange refer to?

   a) The exchange of goods between Europe and Asia

   b) The exchange of diseases between Europe and the Americas

   c) The exchange of ideas between Native Americans and Europeans

   d) The exchange of animals between North and South America

b) The exchange of diseases between Europe and the Americas


What physical feature acted as a boundary for British expansion in North America?

    a) The Appalachian Mountains

    b) The Mississippi River

    c) The Rocky Mountains

    d) The Great Lakes

a) The Appalachian Mountains


What were the three main motives for Spanish exploration and colonization in North America?

    a) Freedom, power, and wealth

    b) Gold, glory, and God

    c) Adventure, trade, and knowledge

    d) Fame, fortune, and friendship

   b) Gold, glory, and God


Which colony was established as a refuge for Quakers?

   a) New Hampshire

   b) Massachusetts

   c) Pennsylvania

   d) Rhode Island

c) Pennsylvania


Which region of the colonies had a climate characterized by hot weather and a long growing season?

    a) New England colonies

    b) Middle Colonies

    c) Southern colonies

 c) Southern colonies


What economic system was imposed on the colonies by Britain?

    a) Capitalism

    b) Mercantilism

    c) Socialism

    d) Communism

b) Mercantilism