drawings or illustrations that are often symbolic
What is imagery?
accurate and dependable
What does it mean to be trustworthy?
an assumption made about a whole group of people based on your experiences with a few.
What is a generalization?
To bombard someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected.
What does it mean to harass someone?
to reform, reuse, or remix copyrighted work into something else.
What does it mean to rework something?
anyone who can see information about you or post by you online.
What is an invisible audience?
to publish
What does it mean to present a finished piece of work to the public?
a stereotype
What is it called to have a widespread belief about a group of people-often negative- that influences how members of that group are perceived and treated?
saying mean things, usually in all caps, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate
What is flaming?
the ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and in specific situations (schoolwork and education, news reporting, criticizing or commenting on something, and comedy/parody)
What is fair use?
your digital footprint
What is all the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally?
the standards on which you base a judgement
What is criteria?
They are so called more sensitive towards drama and start fights.
What kind of generalizations are made about the way girls act?
a verbal attack targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation.
What is hate speech?
a parody
What is a creative work that is a funny imitation of something and pokes fun at an original work?
What does it mean when something lasts a long time, if not forever, such as information that one posts online that doesn't go away because it is passed on and spread?
to evaluate
What is it called when you carefully examine something to figure out its value?
They are calmer towards drama and usually resolve it quickly
What is a generalization made on the way boys act?
using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else.
What does it mean to be deceiving?
editing together clips of video, sound, images, and text by "remixing" or "mashing" different parts together to create something new.
What is a remix or mash-up?
to be honest and to be able to work well with others
What are the two qualities that would be best for a show host?
the URL, if there are ads, when it was made, the publisher
What are some things that will help you indicate which sites are the most reliable.
They think drama is a big thing that has to be blown out of proportion. On TV they have to make every little thing into a big deal to make it more entertaining.
How are teen's perceptions of drama influenced by what they see on reality TV?
A trusted adult
Who should you tell if you are being cyber bullied?
creative work that's not copyrighted and therefore free for you to use however you want.
What is a public domain?