The political rivalry between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton culminated in a duel, which was known back then as an “affair of _________”
During the presidential elections of 1796 & 1800, John Adams was this political party's top choice for president
Federalist Party
When the U.S. declared war on Britain starting the War of 1812, the U.S. Army only consisted of 12,000 ___________
Soldiers / Troops
This individual, a U.S. Representative from the state of Kentucky, was one of the most prominent supporters of the American System and advocated for a protective tariff to help pay for infrastructure improvements (he would go on to run for President many times, but would never win)
Henry Clay
After the presidential election of 1824, this political party was born, which exists to this day as one of the two major political parties
Democratic (Democrat) Party
The Battle of Tippecanoe took place in what is now this modern-day state
The US won this battle two weeks after the War of 1812 ended, and it earned Andrew Jackson national recognition
Battle of New Orleans
John Adams became the second President of the United States when he received 71 electoral votes in the presidential election of 1796, narrowly defeating ___________ (who received 68). His opponent would later become the third US President
Thomas Jefferson
This was the nickname for aggressive members of the Senate and Congress who were in favor of a war with England
War Hawks
This was the name given to an ambitious series of measures aimed at improving the nation's road and infrastructure to promote national unity during the Era of Good Feelings
American System
This early major political party wanted to limit the federal government's power, favored states’ rights, opposed a national bank, wanted closer ties with France, and were strict interpreters of the U.S. Constitution (two of its most prominent members were Thomas Jefferson and James Madison)
This was constructed between 1817 and 1825 in the state of New York between the cities of Buffalo and Albany
Erie Canal
The issue over state's debts was resolved when it was agreed to that ______________ would be built in the South
The Nation's Capitol
A primary goal of President Adams was to improve the United States strained relationship with this European nation
This individual served as the fourth President of the United States and was in office when the War of 1812 took place
James Madison
The American System was designed to connect different parts of the nation to each other, helping to decrease ___________ in favor of loyalty to the whole nation.
Alexander Hamilton was the founder of this major political party, which favored trade with Britain, a strong central government, and the creation of a national bank
Federalist Party
Because Thomas Jefferson felt that these two historical Empires were founded on some of the same democratic principles as the U.S., he was inspired to incorporate their architectural styles into several public building designs (name one of them)
Greek Empire / Roman Empire
For the first and only time in U.S. history, President Washington himself led soldiers to western Pennsylvania to put down this rebellion in 1794
Whiskey Rebellion
When President Adams told Congress that American diplomats, that were sent to France, were bribed by French agents, he didn’t want to disclose the French agents names. He substituted them with three different letters, providing the scandal with this nickname
XYZ Affair
During September of 1813, a naval battle occurred (and was a major victory for the U.S.) on this Great Lake
Lake Erie
This major piece of legislation, constructed largely by Henry Clay, allowed Maine and Missouri to join the Union, while also preserving the balance of free and slave states
Missouri Compromise
The Federalist Party appealed to Americans who worked as merchants, were well-educated and wealthy, and who tended to live in urban areas – especially in this region of the nation
North / New England
The Cumberland Road was the first road built by the federal government and it began in this state
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were both serving in President Washington’s cabinet when they disagreed over whether the should nation create this
A National Bank
Due to rampant concerns that the nation would soon be embroiled in a war with France, this series of four controversial and historically important laws were passed
Alien and Sedition Acts
These were two of the reasons that local state militias (particularly in the North) were reluctant to fight in the War of 1812
Possible answers:
Militias work best on their home ground, instead of when they're sent out to attack other places; Militias have a lower level of discipline compared to regular troops; their state governments were not in favor of the war; they were not well equipped for long campaigns
After the War of 1812 had ended, Americans had a great sense of loyalty and pride towards their nation, which led to an increased amount of ___________
President Washington warned in this address to the nation that the rise of political parties would create a divisive political environment
(Washington’s) Farewell Address
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, & Monroe, four of the first five presidents in U.S. history, were all from this state