Suspense, Irony, Pun
Theme and Central Idea
Point of View and Author's Purpose
Grab Bag

a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.



Samantha wanted a new cell phone.  She worked all summer at the local Dairy Queen.  She wasn’t able to attend parties, movies, or beach trips because she worked so many hours.  By September 1st she had enough money to purchase the phone.  When she got it home, she realized it wasn’t much different than the one she had.
 Which is the BEST theme?

  1. Work hard to achieve goals in life.

  2. A young girl works all summer for a cell phone.  

  3. People should never work summer jobs.  

    4.  Be careful what you wish for.

    4.  Be careful what you wish for.


What should be done to fix the sentence?

“He went home” said Bill.

“He went home,” said Bill.


Which point of view uses the pronoun “I” and only shows the narrator’s thoughts and feelings?

1st person


What is the best medium to use if you want to create a how to guide for using the chromebooks?

video, print essay, digital text



What is said or done is the opposite of what is expected



Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but then get stuck in the honey.

What is the theme of this story?

Some prizes aren't worth it.

Overeating leads to illness.

Insects value food over safety.

Always send a tester.

Some prizes aren't worth it.


Which of these is NOT a complete sentence?

A.  After a long and grueling process, Jeff made the final decision.
B.  This problem always seems to come back to haunt us.  
C.  For instance, Tom came late to work three days in a row.
D.  Therefore, the time to begin the difficult interviewing process.   

 D.  Therefore, the time to begin the difficult interviewing process.


In narrative writing, the author’s purpose is – 

  1. To inform

  2. To entertain

  3. To persuade

  4. To explain

to entertain


I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows.
I am who I am, from my head to my toes.
I tend to get loud when speaking my mind.
Even a little crazy some of the time.
I'm not a size 5 and don't care to be.
You can be you and I can be me.

Which word BEST describes the speaker of the poem?  

Charitable, Despondent, Devious, Confident



I would like to go to Holland someday. Wooden shoe?someday. Wooden shoe?

Is this suspense, irony, or a pun? 

Pun. A pun is a play on words.  

It is figurative language, which means it cannot be taken literally.


Athletes of the past and present have played a huge role in giving young people a voice and inspiring them to take action. Rock the Vote is teaming up with those in the sports world to empower and inspire a new generation.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

  1. The importance of playing a sport.  

  2. Rock the Vote inspires young people to vote for athletes who want to run for office.

  3. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.

D.  The connection between rock music and playing sports.

C. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.


What is the punctuation issue in the sentence?

Please purchase the following from the grocery store; fruit, bread and rice.

Please purchase the following from the grocery store: fruit, bread and rice.


What is the author’s purpose?

The board will meet again on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the proposed budget.  A vote will be taken at the conclusion of the meeting.  All interested parties should attend.

  1. To entertain

  2. To inform

  3. To persuade

D.  To explain  

to inform


We are the dry wind,
but broken shadows of our former selves.
Left with nothing
but the jealousy in our hearts.

What is the overall tone of this poem?







What type of irony is it when we as the reader or viewer know more than the characters in the story/ show/ play know? 

situational, dramatic, or verbal 

dramatic irony


In The Battle of the Bogarts, the three Bogart children battle the wicked King of Summerlin, who steals from the poor. It took three long and challenging battles, but the children defeated the king in the end.  The oldest child, Meredith, led the final rebellion with a team of overzealous ostriches.  At the end, she was crowned queen.  Peace reigned in the City of Emerald for years to come.

What is the theme?

  1. There is never a good reason to fight.

  2. The importance of being crowned king or queen.

  3. In the end, good triumphs over evil.

D.  A girl leads a battle.

In the end, good triumphs over evil.


After she finished her homework, Andrea went out to dinner.

Which type of sentence is this?



Which point of view uses the pronouns “he or she” and shows more than one character’s thoughts and feelings?

A.  1st Person

B.  3rd Person Objective

C.  3rd Person Limited

D.  3rd Person Omniscient  

D.  3rd Person Omniscient  


Which the best piece of text evidence to support the claim success takes dedication?
You have to work hard to get what you want.

Almost 15,000 people experience homelessness in Oregon.

Don't drop out of school.

Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."


When the opposite of what we expect occurs, what type of irony do we have? For exampe, the fire house burns down in the middle of the night.  

situational, dramatic, or verbal

Situation Irony 


Which of the following is a supporting detail of this paragraph? Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. Sumo wrestling is a sport that started in Japan. It takes place in a ring. Two players try to score points by holding each other down or pushing each other out of the ring. Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans. The robot that scores the most points wins. 

Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests

Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans.

Watching robot sumo is boring.

Robots sumo contests are better than human sumo contests.

Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans.


Label the subject and verb and underline the dependent phrase. 

Sally was at the park when it started raining.

Sally was at the park when it started raining.

subject- Sally



What is the author’s purpose if he or she wants to discuss a topic that isn’t new?

to explain


(1)  Everyone was excited about the new student, Thomas.  (2) The boys were impressed with his athleticism.  (3)  The girls fought over who would sit next to him during lunch.  (4) I guess he is a Romeo.  
(5) Hopefully,  he will be able to handle Mr. Greene’s Algebra I class.  

Which sentence contains an allusion?  

  1. Sentence 4

“I guess he is a Romeo.”  This is a literary allusion to Romeo from Romeo and Juliet.  A “Romeo” is a boy that is popular with girls.