Figurative Language
Final Question
The theme is: 

Jack looked at Ethan and knew his family was well off. From the expensive tennis shoes he wore to the fancy car his mom picked him up in, Jason could tell that Ethan‘s family never had to hear “Sorry, it’s too expensive” or “We can’t afford that right now”. Jack wished he could have the kinds of things Ethan had but he knew it would never happen. Every time he saw Ethan, he wished they could trade places.

What is “Be grateful for what you have”? 


Last month, I left Lombok Island. I ____(go) there with a group from the school.

What is went?


A repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of the words.

What is Alliteration?


In the two stories, “The Spider and The Fly“, and “The Landlady”, the lead character is opposed by an antagonistic character. List them.

What is The Spider and the Landlady?


Gina could not believe it. She had barely passed her science class again. She took the report card home and felt sad for days. Although she had done well in the other classes, science was just not her thing. "Mom, I need help," Gina said one day. "I have tried, but I can't get better in science." "I knew you were struggling, but I didn't know you were having such a hard time," Gina's mom said lovingly, "Of course, I will help you!" So, Gina spent two hours every day studying her science book. She asked her mom any question she had trouble with. Gina even stayed after class to learn more from her science teacher. Gina was surprised to know that she started understanding things better. When it was time for the next science exam, she felt ready. Before she knew it, Gina made a B on her science exam.

What is “Hard work is often rewarded”?


Janet asked him and __ to help her paint the house.

What is I?


Kyle's father was as stern as a judge when he came home after curfew.

What is Simile? 


In “The Landlady”, what kind of characters are Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple?

What are side characters?


In the short film Float, the theme is unique because the kid is one of a kind. In the short film the boy can float and no other human being can fly.

Does this work as a theme statement?

What is ‘no’?


Look at these dark clouds: It __________________ rain soon.

What is is going to?


The darkness was a blanket that both smothered and comforted.

What is metaphor?


Examples of articles:

What is “The, a, an”?

Does the story, “The Lady or the Tiger?” have a protagonist?

What is “no”?


You can get clues about a story's theme by...

What is focusing on the protagonists aspirations, patterns, conflict, or character development?


What's the question: "No, my sister doesn't play an instrument."

What is “Does your sister play an instrument?”


Coughing and sputtering, it finally broke into a loud roar.

What is onomatopoeia?


What is The Spider’s goal in “The Spider and The Fly”?

What is “to lure the fly into his parlor”?


Ali was the friendliest boy in town. He helped anyone who asked him for anything. Everyone smiled when they saw Ali riding his bicycle and selling newspapers. Little Ali was also popular in school. After all, who would not like a happy kid like Ali? He made friends everywhere he went. One morning, as Ali was on his newspaper route, he tripped over a rock. He got bruised and went home in a lot of pain. The doctors told him to stay home because he had broken a leg. Now, Ali was sad to miss school, but he was sure his friends would come visit him. Days went by and only Sam from across the street came to see Ali. Sam brought board games and even told Ali what was going on at school each day. Although Ali had been nice to everyone in school, only one person had cared about him.

What is the text evidence that best supports the theme?

What is "Days went by and only Sam from across the street came to see Ali." or "Although Ali had been nice to everyone at school, only one person cared about him."?


Tom _______________________ about their lives.

What is ”Wants people to think”?


Does the following excerpt contain figurative language?

"Can't see it," remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.

What is true?


Is the Princess from “The Lady or the Tiger?” A static character?

What is “yes”?