8th Grade ELA
ELA Vocab
8th Grade Skills
8th Grade Writing


a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.


words that mean the same as another are called 

What is synonym?


The term used to make an educated guess based on evidence

What is inference


Dystopia is the opposite of what?

A Utopia


What piece of punctuation do we use to omit (or take out) extra words or phrases when we want to shorten text evidence? 

Ellipses or dot dot dot (...)


There are two ways to give credit to the author when using text evidence.  Name one of those two ways!

1. Parenthetical Citation (Author's Last Name and Page Number)

EX: For example, "An average of 20% of people prefer owning a cat to a dog" (Brown 24).

2. Introduce the quote by saying the author's name.

EX: According to Henry Brown, author of best selling book Dogs vs. Cats, "An average of 20% of people prefer owning a cat to a dog."


The type of irony that includes sarcasm, or means saying the opposite of what is meant. 

Verbal Irony 


The words and phrases around a difficult word to help the reader determine meaning. Gives us hints and helps us to better understand.  

What is context clues 


What is the transfer propaganda technique?

Transfer uses images to bring up strong feelings in order to persuade.


You are given roughly 60 minutes on the writing prompt.  What should you do in the first few minutes before you begin writing your essay?

Make a plan!  If it's a narrative determine your beginning, middle, end, characters, and setting.  What text will you incorporate?

If it's argument or informative decide what your 5 paragrahs will cover.  Intro has thesis, have 3 body paragraphs with text evidence, and conclusion paragraph.


What is dramatic irony?

When we as the reader or viewer know more than the characters in the story/ show/ play know.  


To mark up the text with notes, questions, or other things that help you understand the text

What is annotate?


When providing a parenthetical citation (author's last name and page number), where does the end punctuation ALWAYS go if it is a period?

AFTER the parentheses.  

For example, "An average of 20% of people prefer owning a cat to a dog" (Brown 24).


What is a character archetype?

A universal model of a character


You are given roughly 60 minutes on the writing prompt.  What should you do in the LAST few minutes before you turn in your essay?

READ OVER YOUR ENTIRE ESSAY!  Look for errors in spelling, captialization, and punctuation.  


A comparison that uses like or as.  



When the opposite of what we expect occurs, what type of irony do we have? For exampe, the fire house burns down in the middle of the night.  

Situation Irony 


What is the role of the conclusion paragraph?

Restates what the entire essay covered; leaves the reader with a final thought.  


What is refutation?

Part of a counterargument: Explains why the opposition is wrong and why are you correct


Name at least 3 transition words.

For example, however, additionally, so, in addition, first, lastly, etc.


What is theme?

The message of the story.


A direct comparison to something that DOES NOT USE like or as.  



What three things do we need in a introduction paragraph?


Background Information/ transition information 



Give an example of a character that would fit in the Ruler archetype and explain why.

Multiple Answers


What type of writing does the following prompt ask for?  What will be the structure of your essay?  

Argument Essay

Five Paragraphs: Intro Paragraph with Thesis, Body 1, Body 2, Counterclaim Paragraph, and Concluding Paragraph 


What is a logical fallacy?

Parts of an argument meant to mislead the audience (a bad argument)


A. Combine 


What role does the reasoning serve in an argument/analysis essay?

Connects the evidence to the claim and helps to show how the evidence proves the overall thesis.


Name 5 propaganda techniques

Bandwagon, Testimonial, Transfer, Repetition, Glittering Generality, Name Calling, Card Stacking, Slogan, Emotional Appeal


What type of writing is required from this prompt?  What must you include?


Dialogue, Details, Descriptions, Vivid Verbs, Sensory Details 


Name 5 Logical fallacies

Ad Hominem, Red Herring, False Authority, Either-Or, Slippery Slope, Bandwagon, False Cause, Post Hoc, Circular Reasoning, Begging the Question, Non-Sequitur


Which sentence contains punctuation to indicate omitted words?

Option C


What is an oxymoron?

a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory


What are the main characteristics of a protagonist in a dystopian novel?

  • Feel like they have no control over their life

  • Are challenged to think or act in a new way

  • Question authority, the government, social systems, etc.

  • Believe something is wrong with their life or world

  • Feel the need to speak out or rebel

  • Want to escape


What type of writing will you do for this prompt?  What will be the structure?

Explanatory/ Informational Writing

5 Paragraph Essay

This will be just like our argument essays, but will not include a counterclaim paragraph.  Instead, the third body paragraph will be another paragraph that includes examples and text evidence to prove your thesis/ assertion.