The Basics
Figurative Language
Reading Prompts
8th Grade Random

When a narrator uses "I, Me," it is written in this perspective 

What is First Person 


This part of an essay introduces the topic and includes the thesis statement.

What is the introduction paragraph?


This type of figurative language compares two things using "like" or "as."

What is a simile?


RACE stands for

What is Restating the question, Answering the question, citing evidence, and explaining the evidence. 

Ms. Sanders is looking for something... What is it?

Her keys!


This reading skill requires finding explicit details and facts in the text.

What is citing evidence?


For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, moreover, however, next, etc.

What are  transition words


"The bright orange walls screamed at her as she walked into the room." is an example of what type of figurative language? 

What is personification?


Passage: "The sun set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the fields. Maria sighed, relieved that the long day was finally over."

Question: How does Maria feel at the end of the day? Use evidence to support your answer.

Answer: Maria feels relieved. 

Evidence: "Maria sighed, relieved that the long day was finally over."


This animal is the only one that can’t jump.

What is an elephant?


What the story is mainly about?

Central or Main idea


What is the part of the essay that acknowledges the opposite opinion and attempts to disprove it?

What is a Counterclaim


Life is a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs.

What is a metaphor?


Passage: "Timothy refused to give up, even though the mountain seemed impossible to climb. He took a deep breath and continued up the rocky path, determined to reach the top."

Question: What character trait does Timothy show in the passage? Use evidence to support your answer.

Timothy shows determination. 

Evidence: "He took a deep breath and continued up the rocky path, determined to reach the top."


This fruit has seeds on the outside instead of the inside.

What is a strawberry?


This type of irony occurs when the audience knows something the characters do not.

What is dramatic irony?

The part of the writing or speech that captures the readers attention 

What is a hook 


"It's raining cats and dogs."

What is an idiom?


Passage: "The author's argument that technology is making people more isolated is supported by several studies showing increased loneliness in those who spend more time online."

Question: What is the author’s main argument? Use evidence to support your answer.

The author’s main argument is that technology is making people more isolated. 

Evidence: "The author's argument that technology is making people more isolated is supported by several studies..."


This is the largest ocean on Earth.

What is the Pacific Ocean?

What is the term for a brief retelling of the key points or events of a text without including personal opinions?

What is a summary?



This type of writing is meant to persuade the reader to agree with the writer's point of view.

What is persuasive or argumentative writing?


"Act naturally and just be yourself."

What is an Oxymoron?


"Ella glanced at the clock and realized she only had five minutes to catch the bus. She grabbed her bag and sprinted out the door, heart pounding as she raced down the street."

Question: What can you infer about how Ella feels in this moment? Use evidence to support your answer.

Ella feels anxious or rushed. 

Evidence: "She grabbed her bag and sprinted out the door, heart pounding as she raced down the street."


This is the only U.S. state that is made up entirely of islands.

What is Hawaii?