Nature of science
Earth and space science
Physical science
Life science

Explain how a hypothesis is valuable even if the data does not support it.

It leads to a new hypothesis and new experiment.


Explain how tides are affected by the sun, moon, and Earth.

The gravitational pull from both the sun and moon on Earth combine to create tides.


Explain why the physical properties of an object are not dependent on the size of the sample.

Sample size does not change an objects physical property.


Explain how the law of conservation of mass applies to both photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

No matter is destroyed or created during these processes.  You start out with the same amount of atoms as you end with.  The molecule bonds are broken and the are arranged into a new molecules.


Name 2 characteristics of inner planets and 2 characteristics of outer planets.

Inner planets - no rings, rocky surface, few/no moons, thin atmosphere, small

outer planets - mostly gas, many moons, rings, large, thick atmospheres


Explain why scientific investigations should be repeated.

To verify the results of your experiment/investigation.


Explain how the sun, moon, and Earth cause moon phases?

The Sun's light shines on the moon, the Earth blocks some of the light casting a shadow on the moon that creates the phases


What is solubility?  What do the terms solvent, solute, saturation mean?

Solubility is a measure of how a solute can dissolve.

solvent - part of a solution, usually present in large amounts

solute - part of a solution dissolved by solubility

saturation - a solution that can no longer dissolve a solute.


Does cellular respiration and photosynthesis happen in the plant cell?

Yes, plants have to create glucose from photosynthesis.  They use the glucose they create to perform cellular respiration to create the energy they need.

Animal take in glucose from the food they eat.  They do not use photosynthesis.


Give an example of a planet that has a different atmosphere and how this impacts the planet?

Mercury - no atmosphere - really hot during the day and freezing at night.

Venus - thick atmosphere - hottest planet in the solar system

Earth - thin atmosphere - warm enough to support life


What is the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific investigations?

An experiment is formal, it tests a hypothesis using the variables.  An investigation is less formal, it does not have variables and is mostly observation.


Explain the role that gravity plays in the formation of the solar system. 

When a nebula collapses, gravity pull everything into the center to create a star.  The Star's gravity than forms the planets, moons, and other objects in the solar system. 


What is the difference between mixture, solutions, and pure substances?

Mixtures are 2 or more substance together but not bonded.

Solution is a mixture that contains a solvent and has the same properties throughout.

Pure Substance is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific set of properties.


What is the general process of cellular respiration?

The cell takes in oxygen and glucose into the mito. and creates CO2, water, and energy (ATP)


What is a comet?

a object in space consisting of a core of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun is created.


What is the independent variable?

The variable that is being tested in the experiment.  It is the one thing that is different and does not remain constant in your experiment.


Explain how sunspots, solar flares and prominences are related?

They are all surface features of a star and are found in the photosphere.


Explain how elements are arranged on the periodic table.

They are arranged by their atomic number.


What is the general process of photosynthesis?

CO2, water, and sunlight enter the chorophyll and the chorophyll creates glucose and oxygen.


What is a nebula?

a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, birth place of a star.


What is a dependent variable?

It is what you are measuring in your experiment.  


What is the difference between absolute brightness and absolute magnitude?

Nothing, they are the same thing.


Describe how temperature influences chemical changes.

The hotter the temperature the fast the chemical change.  The cooler the temperature the slower the change.


Explain how matter moves through the carbon cycle.

The first is through photosynthesis, where plants take in CO2, water and sunlight to create sugars for energy, and oxygen gas emerges as a by-product. Once inside plants, carbon moves through food chains, where organisms become nutrients including herbivores, carnivores and ultimately, decomposers which put the carbon into the soil and atmosphere.


What is the difference between a light year and a astronomical unit?

A light year measures the distance light travels in a year.  It is used to measure the distances of objects outside our solar system.  AU is the measure of distance from the Sun to the center of the Earth.  We use it to measure objects in our solar system.