Matter:Properties & Change
Molecular Biology
Structure & Function of Living Organisms
Earth History & Evolution & Genetics
Energy Conservation & Transfer

This is a chemical reaction for the decomposition of carbonic acid into water and carbon dioxide.

                  H2CO3 → H2O + CO2

How does the reaction support the Law of Conservation of Mass?

 A Several molecules of water are produced.

 B The mass of carbon atoms is reduced during the reaction.

 C The mass of the atoms in the reactant equals the mass of the atoms in the products.

 D The mass of hydrogen atoms is the only thing that remains the same before and after the reaction.

C The mass of the atoms in the reactant equals the mass of the atoms in the products.


How can biotechnology help farmers overcome sudden changes in the global climate?

A. by changing the types of soil in which the crops are planted

B. by developing crops that are resistant to adverse weather

C. by rotating the crops within the same field

D. by only planting crops in the winter

B. by developing crops that are resistant to adverse weather


A geologist identifies the identical index fossils in rock layers from two different areas. Which conclusion is best supported by this discovery?

 A. The deposition rate of the two rock layers was identical.

 B. The fossil organism evolved independently in the two separate areas.

 C The two rock layers were deposited at approximately the same time.

 D The index fossil will also occur in sediment deposited on top of these rock layers.

C The two rock layers were deposited at approximately the same time.


Which is the best example of a chemical change?

 A butter melting

 B egg cooking

 C paper tearing

 D water evaporating

 B egg cooking


If a company genetically modifies corn to produce an odor that repels insects, which best describes how the corn was modified?

A. by crop rotation techniques

B. by chemical exposure

C. by harvesting at different times

D. by techniques used in biotechnology

D. by techniques used in biotechnology


Why are digestion and respiration important to the body?

 A They control the production of hormones in the body.

 B They build muscle and bone that the body needs.

 C They store food for the body.

 D They help provide the energy needed for body functions.

D They help provide the energy needed for body functions.


Which supports the theory that some mountains were once at the bottom of an ocean?

 A. There are underwater mountains on the ocean floor today.

 B. Freshwater rivers flow to the ocean.

 C. Fossils of marine organisms are found on the tops of some mountains.

 D. Both mountains and ocean floors have similar minerals in their rocks.

D. Both mountains and ocean floors have similar minerals in their rocks.


What happens to most of the energy as it moves throughout a food web?

 A It is changed into light energy.

 B It is changed into heat energy.

 C It is changed into mass.

 D It is changed into decomposers

 B It is changed into heat energy.


Chlorine has 7 valence electrons. With what group of elements will chlorine most readily bond?

 A group 1

 B group 2

 C group 16

 D group 18

 A group 1


Many infectious diseases have been nearly eliminated worldwide. Why should global studies of infectious diseases continue?

A. All infectious disease organisms are fatal.

B. All infectious diseases are resistant to any form of treatment.

C. All infectious disease organisms have the ability to mutate, adapt, and survive.

D. All infectious diseases are caused by viruses that do not respond to antibiotics.

C. All infectious disease organisms have the ability to mutate, adapt, and survive.


A runner is preparing to run a long race. Which would provide the highest level of energy for the runner?

 A minerals

 B carbohydrates

 C proteins

 D vitamins

 B carbohydrates


Which is the most accurate method scientists use to predict the age of Earth?

 A relative dating of rock layers

 B radioactive dating of rocks

 C comparing the ages of different fossils

 D investigating core samples from the Arctic

 B radioactive dating of rocks


Which statement is true about a chemical reaction?

 A The physical states of the atoms in the reactants determine the products.

 B Some of the atoms in the reactants will be a part of the products.

 C The number of atoms in the reactants determines the products.

 D All of the atoms in the reactants will be a part of the products.

D All of the atoms in the reactants will be a part of the products.


Which is one possible human benefit from biotechnology research?

 A producing crops that can grow in areas where they normally do not grow

 B producing new types of disease-causing viruses

 C increasing the ability to turn ocean water to freshwater

 D creating new types of buildings that can withstand hurricanes

A producing crops that can grow in areas where they normally do not grow


Recent changes in species can be found in the upper layers of rock. This provides a link between which two scientific ideas?

 A cell theory and the theory of evolution

 B the periodic nature of the elements and cell theory

 C the theory of evolution and the Law of Superposition

 D the Law of Superposition and the periodic nature of the elements

C the theory of evolution and the Law of Superposition


Which chemical equation best represents the Law of Conservation of Mass?

 A H + O → H2O

 B H2 + O2 → H2O

 C 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

 D H2 + O2 → 2H2O2

 C 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O


Which best describes the sequence of the elements in Period 5 of the periodic table?

 A highly reactive gases, relatively nonreactive  metals, metalloids, very nonreactive gases, nonreactive nonmetals

 B highly reactive metals, relatively nonreactive metals, metalloids, reactive nonmetals, nonreactive gases

 C nonreactive gases, metalloids, nonreactive metals, highly reactive metals, highly reactive gases

 D nonreactive gases, nonreactive metals, highly reactive metals, metalloids, reactive nonmetals, reactive gases

B highly reactive metals, relatively nonreactive metals, metalloids, reactive


How are pandemics different than epidemics?

 A Pandemics affect blood; epidemics affect skin.

 B Pandemics affect many countries or states; an epidemic is more localized.

 C Pandemics are caused by bacteria; epidemics are caused by viruses.

 D Pandemics are spread through the air; epidemics are spread through the water.

B Pandemics affect many countries or states; an epidemic is more localized.


Which best describes uniformitarianism?

 A The time it takes for erosion to occur has changed since Earth first formed.

 B The movement of the continents no longer occurs because of changes in ocean currents.

 C The processes that shape the Earth continue as they have since the Earth formed.

 D The formation of rock layers has slowed because humans have altered the environment.

C The processes that shape the Earth continue as they have since the Earth formed.