Engineered Crops

Which of these careers would a student studying biotechnology most likely pursue? 

A electrical engineering 

B astronomy 

C agricultural research 

D geology 

C agricultural research


How can biotechnology help farmers overcome sudden changes in the global climate? 

A by changing the types of soil in which the crops are planted 

B by developing crops that are resistant to adverse weather

C by rotating the crops within the same field 

D by only planting crops in the winter

B by developing crops that are resistant to adverse weather


Which is a potential ethical issue resulting from the use of biotechnology? 

  1. Deteriorating the ozone layer

  2. Causing mass extinction of a species

  3. Increasing pollution of natural resources

  4. Introducing a genetically-altered species

4.Introducing a genetically-altered species


Which area of biotechnology would most likely create ethical issues with human society?

  1. Insulin production by bacteria

  2. Organ cloning for use in transplants

  3. Genetic engineering to improve agricultural yields

  4. DNA and forensic testing of crime scene evidence. 

2. Organ cloning for use in transplants.


Fill in the BLANKS

Genetic modification changes the ___________ material of a living organism.  

Genetic modification changes the ____GENETIC_______ material of a living organism.  


Scientists have been able to cause some bacteria to produce insulin. In which area of science would these scientists most likely work? 

A biotechnology

B nuclear engineering 

C marine biology 

D chemistry

A biotechnology


How has biotechnology helped to improve the agricultural industry? 

A by developing irrigation systems that cover a large land area 

B by creating some crops that resist certain insects 

C by producing soil free of decomposers 

D by developing machines that help farmers harvest crops faster

B by creating some crops that resist certain insects


Residents of North Carolina presently burn 5 billion gallons of imported petroleum-based liquid fuel per year. How would the state’s economy be affected if North Carolina could produce biofuels locally as a replacement?

  1. Tax revenues would increase.

  2. Unemployment would increase.

  3. The economy would decline due to exports

  4. The economy would improve with new jobs and tax revenue.

4. The economy would improve with new jobs and tax revenue


North Carolina has over 400 biotechnology companies. How would the economy most likely change if that number were reduced by half?

  1. The economy would decline because of job loss.

  2. The economy would increase due to an increase in production

  3. The economy would suffer as funding for research decreases.

  4. The economy would improve when the government offers assistance. 

1. The economy would decline because of job loss.


(GMO-genetically modified organisms) It can be used to ________ diseases and __________________ crops.

(GMO-genetically modified organisms) It can be used to ___TREAT_____ diseases and ______IMPROVE____________ crops. 


What is involved in creating genetically modified bacteria? 

A allowing them to reproduce freely 

B changing their food source 

C using biotechnology techniques

D growing them on selected plants

C using biotechnology techniques


Which is a way the agricultural biotechnology industry could have a positive impact on the environment? 

A by producing crops that are virus resistant 

B by making robots to replace large farm machines 

C by reducing the need for countries to import food 

D by increasing the use of wind farms that produce electricity

A by producing crops that are virus resistant


Tomatoes are genetically modified to have a longer shelf life, slowing the ripening and softening of the tomato. Which best describes a concern people have with eating genetically modified tomatoes?

  1. genetically modified tomatoes do not taste as good as regular tomatoes.

  2. genetically modified tomatoes are more expensive than regular tomatoes.

  3. The DNA used to modify the tomatoes could change the DNA of the person eating the tomato.

  4. genetically modified tomatoes are readily available.

3. The DNA used to modify the tomatoes could change the DNA of the person eating the tomato.


Which is a benefit of genetically modified foods?

  1. The cost of research is included in the cost to the consumer.

  2. The cost of food will decrease, and the quality of food will increase.

  3. When foods are genetically modified, they no longer need to be studied.

  4. When foods are genetically modified, they are completely resistant to disease and drought.

2.The cost of food will decrease, and the quality of food will increase.


Fill in the BLANK

To use genetic modification, scientists need to know as much as possible about an organism’s ___________, or complete sequence of DNA.

To use genetic modification, scientists need to know as much as possible about an organism’s ___GENOME________, or complete sequence of DNA.


Which is one possible human benefit from biotechnology research? 

A producing crops that can grow in areas where they normally do not grow

B producing new types of disease-causing viruses 

C increasing the ability to turn ocean water to freshwater 

D creating new types of buildings that can withstand hurricanes

A producing crops that can grow in areas where they normally do not grow


If a company genetically modifies corn to produce an odor that repels insects, which best describes how the corn was modified? 

A by crop rotation techniques 

B by chemical exposure 

C by harvesting at different times 

D by techniques used in biotechnology

D by techniques used in biotechnology


Which is an ethical issue surrounding the use of genetically modified foods?

  1. Cost of production

  2. long -term health effects

  3. Ability to grow more nutritious foods

  4. Ability to produce a lot of food quickly

2. long -term health effects.


Which would be reduced as a result of the development of pest-resistant crops?

  1. Use of organic fertilizers

  2. Use of chemical insecticides.

  3. Practice of crop rotation techniques.

  4. Practice of hydroponic farming techniques.

2. Use of chemical insecticides.


Fill in the BLANK

They have developed techniques for ___________ many organisms’ genomes, including humans.

They have developed techniques for _____MAPPING______ many organisms’ genomes, including humans.


How has genetic engineering helped farming? 

A by developing better fertilizer for crops 

B by creating crops that resist some diseases 

C by producing soil that makes crops grow better 

D by producing faster ways to harvest crops

B by creating crops that resist some diseases


More infectious diseases have been nearly eliminated worldwide. Why should global studies of infectious diseases continue?

  1. All infectious disease organisms are fatal.

  2. All infectious diseases are resistant to any form of treatment.

  3. All infectious disease organisms have the ability to mutate, adapt, and survive.

  4. All infectious diseases are caused by viruses that do not respond to antibiotics.

3. All infectious disease organisms have the ability to mutate, adapt, and survive.


Biotechnology uses a procedure called genetic engineering. Which best describes genetic engineering?

  1. Making artificial DNA in the laboratory from chemicals.

  2. Cutting out pieces of DNA from an organism under a microscope

  3. Adding DNA from one organism into the DNA of another organism.

  4. Genetic engineering is not using DNA. 

3. Adding DNA from one organism into the DNA of another organism.


Fill in the BLANKS

Biotechnology is the manipulation (changing) of _________ things to make _____________ products.

Biotechnology is the manipulation (changing) of ___LIVING_______ things to make _____USEFUL________products.


Fill in the BLANKS

The use of genetic modification in _______ may help bring about increased plant production and better quality crops.  It may greatly help in improving strains of plants to be more disease and pest ________________, better able to withstand extreme _________ patterns as well as provide increased harvests.  

The use of genetic modification in ___AGRICULTURE____ may help bring about increased plant production and better quality crops.  It may greatly help in improving strains of plants to be more disease and pest ____RESISTANT____________, better able to withstand extreme __WEATHER_______ patterns as well as provide increased harvests.